Fees and how you can pay.

Before making any payment please make sure you are paying the correct fee. For more information please read the Building Regulation Charges document in the Downloads section.

Please note that the Building Control Fees and Charges are changing from 1st December 2024. Details of the revised fees and charges can also be found in the Downloads section.

Pay by debit or credit card

You can pay the fee by telephone on (01902) 555595.

Pay by post

City of Wolverhampton Council 
Building Consultancy 
Civic Centre 
St. Peter's Square 

Cheques should be crossed 'a/c Payee Only' and made payable to 'City of Wolverhampton Council'.

Paying for a site inspection

You can pay your site inspection payment using the methods detailed on the site inspection invoice. When you make the payment make sure that you quote invoice number provided.