Phase 3 of the project will further improve on Phases 1 and 2. This phase will improve provision for cyclists and pedestrians. It will also increase vehicle capacity.

Neachells Lane Improvements

You can find an Improvements Map in the Downloads section

Start date - Earliest start January 2031

End date - Construction period 18 to 24 months

Project Overview

Currently, Neachells Lane junction suffers from

  • significant congestion
  • poor provision for cyclists and pedestrians

Proposed improvements consist of:

  • A signalised roundabout to cater for all movements with increased traffic capacity to reduce congestion and delay.
  • Provision of dedicated and segregated lanes for cyclists travelling east-west along Willenhall Road. The north-south provision for cyclists is a mix of segregated paths and paths with facilities shared with pedestrians.

Current status

Following consultation of design options, a preferred design has been selected. This is the subject of a Planning Application currently being considered by the Council. The Council has authority to seek funding for the delivery of this scheme.

You can find the leaflet for the Consultation held between November 2019 and January 2020 in the Downloads section.