The A454 corridor runs between Wolverhampton and Walsall. There are proposed improvements to help journey reliability and create efficient travel.

A454 Improvements

The A454 is a crucial route for local communities and businesses that provides connectivity between Wolverhampton City Centre, the east of Wolverhampton and onwards to Walsall. Improvements are needed to address air quality and journey time reliability, particularly during peak times. The A454 does not currently cater well for different modes of transport, notably walking and cycling. The series of improvement projects along the A454 will work to improve the air quality, journey time reliability and pedestrian and cycling provision.

City East Gateway (A454) is a key gateway to the city’s local communities and businesses:

  • The A454 is part of the West Midlands Key Route Network
  • The road provides a direct connection between Wolverhampton City Centre with Walsall Town Centre
  • The A454 is a key route for access between Wolverhampton and the M6 motorway
  • The A454 connects with the Black Country Route, giving access to the wider Black Country

There will be a vast improvement to infrastructure for:

  • Pedestrians and cyclists
  • Buses
  • Vehicles

These improvements align with strategic policies in the


Environmental benefits
  • Improve air quality by removing an air quality exceedance area
  • Introducing segregated cycling facilities to offer zero-emission travel by cycling and wheeling
  • Improving pedestrian facilities to encourage walking as a mode – increasing the share of zero-emission travel
  • Reduce traffic congestion across the East of Wolverhampton
Regeneration benefits
  • Create a more efficient road layout that supports journeys into and out of the City Centre by walking, cycling and vehicular transport
  • Support access to future regeneration projects and businesses
  • Provide more reliable journey times
Public Health benefits
  • Safer cycle routes
  • Safe pedestrian walking facilities
  • Reduction in polluted air near residential areas
Economic benefits
  • Support the growth of local businesses
  • Improve potential for investment in the area because of long-term transport benefits
  • Improve access to residential areas
  • Support major identified regeneration sites

Improvement Phases

Phase 4 - Noose Lane - Pinson Road

City of Wolverhampton Council and Walsall Council are working together to create a new cycle route from Noose Lane to Pinson Road, along the A454 Willenhall Road and Somerford Place.

The two-way cycle lane is being built on the central reservation of the A454 Willenhall Road, Wolverhampton, separating cyclists from pedestrians and vehicles, and off the carriageway on the B4464 Somerford Place in Willenhall.

Traffic crossings will also be upgraded as part of the scheme to make them safer and easier to use for all.

It is the first stage in creating a dedicated cycle route between Wolverhampton and Walsall and will link in with other City East Gateway active travel projects along the A454 corridor - a focal point for regeneration.

City of Wolverhampton Council has secured £2.5 million in funding through the Active Travel Fund, provided by the Department for Transport and the Further City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements (CRSTS) - specifically outlined for transport schemes such as this.

A joined up approach between City of Wolverhampton Council, Black Country Transport, Transport for West Midlands and neighbouring local authorities is committed to delivering a network of cycle routes under the Black Country Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Plan.
The Noose Lane to Pinson Road cycle corridor will include the following:

New Segregated Cycle Route – The majority of the cycle route will include a 3m wide cycleway providing two-way movement, separate from traffic and pedestrians with the aim of promoting a safe and sustainable mode of transport.

New Cycle & Pedestrian Crossing Facilities – Existing signalised crossing points shall be upgraded to provide dedicated cycle crossings along the A454 Willenhall Road prior to Portobello roundabout.

Bus Lane Removal, Somerford Place – The short priority bus lane on Somerford Place will be removed to accommodate the new cycleway with the mature trees being retained.

New Landscaping – The cycleway will be located within the central reservation on the A454 Willenhall Road and has been designed to avoid existing trees along the route where possible. A total of 44 new trees will be planted of 7 different varieties.  These trees have been chosen to suit their surroundings and will provide a pleasant surrounding and environmental benefits to local residents and cyclists/motorists.

Up to 15 trees have been removed to allow the construction of the cycle track with some being removed due to their poor condition. 

Contractors will work hard to ensure that disruption to residents and local businesses is kept to an absolute minimum.

Works began on January 13, 2025 and are likely to last until autumn 2025, weather permitting.

Traffic flows and pedestrian routes will be maintained throughout the period of construction for the project.

The traffic management along the A454 Willenhall Road and Portobello roundabout for the majority of the scheme includes lane closures in place between 9:30am-3pm.

Hours of work will be from 7:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday, with some weekend work as and when required.

A temporary one-way traffic flow system has been put in place on B4464 Somerford Place, allowing traffic to flow in a westbound direction only from the B4484 Pinson Road roundabout to the Portobello roundabout. It is expected that this temporary traffic management arrangement will be linked with an adjacent pedestrian and cycling infrastructure scheme and will remain in place on a 24-hour basis.

Access to properties and businesses will be maintained at all times.