Supported Housing is accommodation that also provides support or supervision to meet your individual needs.

The Supported Housing Improvement Programme (SHIP) is a project that is funded by the Department of Levelling up, Housing & Communities to support in ensuring that providers deliver good quality accommodation and support to meet the needs of their residents. The Council’s Our City Our Plan set out commitments to protect vulnerable people at risk of harm and exploitation and to ensure that all residents have access to a secure home. The Supported Housing Improvement Programme will support this work and ensure that some of the City’s most vulnerable residents are able to live in good quality housing with the support that they need to live independently and safely.

The funding from Central Government has enabled the Council to establish a mutli-disciplinary team working with officers across Revenues and Benefits, Homelessness and Migration, Health and Social Care and Environmental Health to holistically improve standards, implement enhanced management, empower residents to understand their rights and improve value for money for the Council.

The Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act 2023(link is external) was enacted on 29th August 2023. The Act will reinforce the work being done through the SHIP project by the Council, and the SHIP team will be on hand to provide advice and guidance to all Supported Housing Residents and Providers in the City regarding the implications and opportunities that arise from this new Government Legislation.

Past Events

Are you ready for the Supported Housing (Oversight Regulatory) Act 2023?
Venue: Bantock Park, Coach House
Date: 29th February 2024

The slides from the presentation delivered by Emma Stubbs at The Department of Levelling Up, Housing & Communities can be seen in the Downloads section.

Guidance for new residents in Supported Housing

What is Supported Accommodation?

Supported accommodation provides safe, secure accommodation from which residents gain the confidence to begin their journey to move on in their lives.

Supported accommodation is available to provide you with the tailored support that you require to help you gain skills to live independently in a stable, longer-term home.

How Supported Housing can help you?

They will offer tailored support to meet your individual needs. They can support you with:

  • Improving budgeting and managing debt
  • Improving your health & wellbeing
  • Gaining skills to maintain a tenancy
  • Developing cooking skills
  • Accessing other services, such as support for substance misuse, mental ill-health or domestic abuse

The City of Wolverhampton Council works with many Supported Housing Providers in the city. We can help you find the right Provider to meet your needs.

If you would like to be referred for supported accommodation, please contact your current support worker if you have one.

If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness (e.g. you have received an eviction letter), then contact Wolverhampton Homes(link is external) about making a homeless application.

Wolverhampton Homes(link is external) will offer advice and guidance depending on your situation, including referrals to supported housing if appropriate.

Guidance for existing residents in Supported Housing

If you’re currently living in Supported accommodation and feel that your needs aren’t being met, we are here to assist you.

  • Do you feel that you aren’t receiving the right level of support?

  • Do you feel that you don’t get enough time with your support worker?

  • Or perhaps, you don’t know who your support worker is?

  • Are you looking to move on in life, and live independently, but you don’t know what your options are?

  • Is your accommodation of poor quality?

  • Are repairs not dealt with promptly?

  • Do you feel safe in your accommodation?

The Council has a dedicated team made up of members from across the Council that can help to ensure you get the support you that is right for you and that your accommodation is of good quality.

Please email sends email) if you are dissatisfied with your accommodation or the support you receive.

Guidance for new Supported Housing providers

The Council has a dedicated multi-disciplinary team that can offer you advice and guidance to help you.

The Revenue & Benefits department, Environmental Health, Homelessness & Migration Team and Adult Social care are working collaboratively on the Supported Housing Improvement Programme (SHIP). We strive to work closely with Supported Housing Providers to ensure that vulnerable residents in the City, receive high quality support and that their accommodation is of good standard.

The SHIP team will meet with providers who are opening or expanding a project to discuss their plans. We have knowledge of local need and provision in the City, so we can offer guidance and advice on the suitability of your project for the City. Officers from Revenues and Benefits will discuss proposed rent models and whether the project qualifies for supported housing status.

If you would like more information or would like to arrange a meeting with our dedicated Panel please email sends email)

Guidance for existing Supported Housing providers

The Council has a dedicated multi-disciplinary team that can offer you advice and guidance to help you. 

The Revenue & Benefits department, Environmental Health, Homelessness & Migration Team and Adult Social care are working collaboratively on the Supported Housing Improvement Programme (SHIP). We strive to work closely with Supported Housing Providers to ensure that vulnerable residents in the city receive high quality support and that their accommodation is of good standard.

Are you looking for referrals?

If you have any vacancies to fill, please contact the SHIP team we can help you fill those vacancies with suitable residents. Please email sends email)

Property Standards in Supported Accommodation

Do you need advice and guidance on property standards, or improving the quality of support that you offer residents? The SHIP team can help you. Please email sends email)

As a provider of supported accommodation, you are responsible for providing safe, warm and well maintained housing for your residents. You must ensure that your residents know who to report repairs to and who to contact in an emergency.

Much supported accommodation is provided within houses of multiple occupation (HMOs). It is important to understand that the managers and landlords of HMOs are subject to additional regulations which protect the occupants who live there. In most cases, HMOs with five or more occupants need to be licensed with the Local Authority. Further information on HMOs, the Council’s HMO amenity and space standards and HMO licensing can be found at House in multiple occupation licence.

If you have safety concerns about any supported accommodation properties, please contact the Council at