Services and equipment to help you or a relative to live independently.

What services are available?

Equipment, alarms and other Telecare services

City of Wolverhampton Council provides a Telecare(link is external) service to support vulnerable people to live independently in their own homes and communities, and provides reassurance to individuals, carers and families 24/7. Our Wolverhampton Information Network(link is external) has further details on alarms, equipment and other Telecare services.

Wolverhampton Independent Living Service

The Wolverhampton Independent Living Service works to provide the elderly, disabled and carers with impartial advice and information. You may be able to receive help and support with living safely and independently in your own home through the use of home adaptations and equipment. The service offers self- assessment, clinic assessment or home assessment, depending upon the issues that are identified.

Meals on wheels

A Meals on Wheels service is now open to everyone without the need for an assessment and we deliver meals, 365 days a year. It includes a hot meal and dessert delivery service. Our Wolverhampton Information Network(link is external) has further details on other Meals on Wheels providers.

Personal Assistant Network

If you are looking to find a Personal Assistant (PA)(link is external) to help with your care needs, or if you are a PA looking for work, then the Personal Assistant Network(link is external) can help.

Help at home

The Community Intermediate Care Team (CICT)(link is external) is a community based multidisciplinary team of nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation assistants and speech and language therapists. The service aim is to provide short term rehabilitation support in the person's own home following illness or injury; where this enables avoidance of hospital/care admission or facilitates a return home from hospital. The Home Assisted Reablement Programme (HARP)(link is external) team provides a short term reablement programme to people in their own homes.

Breaks for carers of adults

Home-based respite is a carers service which happens in the home. A carer, either from Agincare or employed via Direct Payments stays with the cared for person to enable the carer to have a break from their caring role. Residential respite is delivered in a residential setting where the cared for a person who may have regular short stays to give the carer a break. These breaks are subject to a charge to the cared for person calculated under the Charging for Residential Accommodation Guide (CRAG). The Carer Support Team(link is external) offers a range of support for carers of adults living in Wolverhampton.

Day services/activities

Day centres aim to promote the health, well-being, and independence of older people by offering a range of social activities, hobbies, and health advice. Dementia Cafes are a monthly meeting for people with dementia or memory loss, their families and friends.

Mental Health

The Mental Health Duty Team will take referrals for assessments and signpost any concerns to the relevant departments. They work in partnership with people who use our services, carers, NHS, third and independent sector organisations to ensure that a range of services are provided to help a recovery process for people with mental health needs.

Housing Support

The Housing Support service offers services for people to obtain or maintain their tenancy and to remain independent.

Domiciliary care

Personal care providers, also known as domiciliary care, deliver a range of personal care and support services to individuals in their own homes.

Personal budget

Direct Payments is a scheme to give people who need care services more choice and control over their lives by allowing them to make decisions about how their care is delivered. The scheme gives cash to people to buy the services that they need. If you live in and own your own home, Wolverhampton Home Improvement Service (WHIS) can help with grants and loans for repairs and essential maintenance to your property. Eligibility criteria apply.

Community Support Service

Community Support is a confidential advice and information service that aims to enable residents that are over the age of 18 and living in Wolverhampton, to continue to live independently. The Community Support Workers based within the team offer a range of information and advice individually tailored for your needs and also put you in touch with appropriate organisations and sources of support.

Sheltered Housing Schemes

Very Sheltered Housing (VSH) allows safe and secure living within a community while having care and support close by. It is seen as a very real alternative to residential care homes. is external) is a charity run site providing free advice on elderly care, including specialist directories & information on nursing homes(link is external) and residential care homes(link is external), as well as sheltered housing(link is external), extra care housing(link is external) and retirement villages(link is external), across the UK. Also providing over 2,000 sales(link is external) and lettings vacancies(link is external) every week.