Adult Social Care provides support for people across Wolverhampton to live their lives.

How can we help?

The help and support we provide will depend on you and your circumstances. This could include: information and advice, a connection to a local community group, a piece of equipment or practical support such as help to wash and dress. We will make sure we understand who and what matters to you and work with you to make sure whatever support you need is personalised and enables you to have as much choice and control as possible.

Support to live at home

Information, advice and community support provision to help you and others stay independent.

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Care and support needs

Access practical help and information to support people with disabilities and long-term conditions

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Report abuse or neglect

Information on how to recognise adults at risk of abuse, how to report abuse, Wolverhampton Safety Together and useful links for professionals.

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Mental health and wellbeing

Advice, guidance and support for mental health, wellbeing and dementia including information on the Mental Health Social Care Team and services to support you.

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Support for carers

Information, advice and support services from the Carer Support Team for carers living in Wolverhampton.

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Paying for care

Information about paying for care and support at home or in the community and paying for care and support at a residential or nursing home.

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If you have care and support needs that you require help with for you to live as independently as possible, please complete the online self-assessment.

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About Adult Social Care

Overview of how Adult Social Care works and how to get support, including what happens when you contact us.

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