If you are being abused you may feel alone and unable to make any serious decisions. You may just want to talk to someone about your options and not make any changes at the moment, but there are people and agencies who can help you.
The Haven Wolverhampton
Telephone: 08000 194 400
Single point of contact, Freephone, 24hrs a day.
The Haven Wolverhampton provides practical and emotional support to women and children affected by domestic violence and homelessness. They provide a range of support services to help you move forward and begin a life free from abuse.
Haven leaflet
Housing Options - Homeless Services
Telephone:01902 554747
Adults Social Care
Telephone:01902 551199
Adult Social Care
Children's Social Care
Telephone:01902 555392
Changing Lives
Telephone:01902 341822
Changing Lives works with people experiencing homelessness, addiction and a range of other problems. They offer specialist support services for women and families and provide employment opportunities for clients.
Telephone:01902 554598
(Independent Sexual Violence Advisor) WDVF and Sandwell Women's Aid
Advice for rape and sexual assault victims
Telephone:01902 555276
(Criminal Justice Independent Domestic Violence Advisor), WDVF
Advice and information for anyone needing support through the court system, relating to domestic violence or abuse
Victim Support
Telephone:0300 3031977
Mon - Fri, 9am-5pm, 24hr answerphone
Help and advice for victims of crime and those affected by a crime committed against someone they know. They can help you find the strength to deal with what you've been through. Services are free and available to everyone, whether or not the crime has been reported and regardless of when it happened.
Recovery Near You
Telephone:0300 2002 400
Help with Substance Misuse
Telephone: 01902 428447
Through experienced counsellors Relate work with individuals, couples, parents, and families to help them cope with the range of pressures that can lead to relationship breakdowns. They help people limit the damage that can follow failing relationships, separation, and divorce.
Telephone: Freecall 116 123
24hrs per day
Samaritans can help you explore your options, understand your problems better, or just be there to listen. It doesn't matter who you are, how you feel, or what has happened. If you feel that things are getting to you, get in touch
West Midlands Police
Telephone 101 or 999 in an emergency
Base 25
Telephone:08000 730 322
Mon, Tues,Thurs 2-6pm; Wed 2-9pm; Fri 2-5pm
Supporting young people aged 11-25 in shaping their lives
Base 25 Leaflet
The Hideout
Part of Women's Aid, helps children and young people to understand domestic abuse and hot to take positive action if it's happening to you.
Women's Aid
National charity for women and children giving in-depth advice about domestic abuse and violence, finances, housing etc with translations in different languages
Telephone: 0808 2000 247 - free 24hr helpline
National Domestic Violence Helpline
Telephone:0800 2000 247
24hrs per day
The National Domestic Violence Helpline, run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge, is a national service for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf. They can give support, help and information over the telephone, wherever the caller might be in the country. Translation facilities for callers whose first language is not English and service for callers who are deaf or hard of hearing are available.
Mankind Initiative
Support for male victims of domestic violence and abuse
Tel: 01823 334 244, Mon-Fri 10-4 and 7-9pm
Mankind Leaflet
Working with domestic violence perpetrators, male victims (in hetrosexual or same-sex relationships) and young people
Tel: 0808 801 0327, freephone
Male DV Advice Line
Telephone:0808 8010 327
Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm
Advice and support for men experiencing domestic violence and abuse