The Mayor of Wolverhampton welcomes invitations to attend events throughout the City of Wolverhampton.

How to invite the Mayor to an event

All invitations should be made to the Mayor’s Office in writing as it is not possible to accept invitations by telephone only; please follow up any telephone requests in writing (emails are acceptable). Alternatively, why not use our online invitation form. It is important you give as much notice as possible when inviting the Mayor to attend an event, but a minimum of four weeks’ notice is requested.

Invite the mayor

Please ensure your invitation includes the following information:

  • date, time of arrival and departure
  • venue address and post code
  • details of any specific duties you would like the Mayor to undertake.

You can expect to receive a written response to your invitation within 2 weeks.

Subject to Mayor being able to accept your invitation, you will be asked to provide the following additional information:

  • relevant background details about your organisation
  • an event programme (if available)
  • speech notes (if applicable)
  • the dress code
  • parking details.

What type of events does the Mayor attend?

The type of events the Mayor can attend included:

  • Civic events
  • Visits to local businesses
  • Faith or cultural events
  • Charity events
  • Community events
  • Visits to schools, colleges or universities
  • Military events

Civic Protocol

It is essential the Mayor and Consort are met by the event organiser, or their representative, on their arrival at the main entrance. The Mayor and Consort should be accompanied throughout the time they remain at the event and escorted to the Mayoral car at the end of the event.

The Mayor is the King’s Representative in this City and as such takes precedence over all other citizens as well as Government Ministers, Members of Parliament and visiting personalities.

It is not customary to ask the Mayor to perform a secondary role within their own City, apart from two exceptions:

The Mayor should be seated on the immediate right of the host of the event. It is customary for the Mayor to be the first speaker, though an introduction by the host is acceptable.

How to address the Civic Heads

The Mayor
The full title of the Mayor is: The Right Worshipful The Mayor of Wolverhampton, addressed in direct speech as "Mr Mayor" if male or "Madam Mayor" if female.

The Mayoress/Consort
The full title of the Mayoress is The Mayoress, addressed in direct speech as "Mayoress". If the Mayor is female, they will have a Consort rather than a Mayoress. Their full title is Consort, addressed in direct speech as "Consort".

The Deputy Mayor
The full title of the Deputy Mayor is: The Deputy Mayor of Wolverhampton, addressed in direct speech as "Mr Deputy Mayor" (if male) or "Madam Deputy Mayor" (if female).

The Deputy Mayoress/Deputy Consort
The full title is Deputy Mayoress, addressed in direct speech as "Deputy Mayoress". If the Deputy Mayor is female, they will have a Deputy Consort rather than Deputy Mayoress, their full title will be Deputy Consort, addressed in direct speech as "Deputy Consort".