To ensure that we hold the correct details on our Electoral Register, an annual canvass of all households is undertaken in the city each year.

Update your electoral registration details

If you have received an email asking to update electoral registration details,
please respond by visiting here.(link is external)

Below are some frequently asked questions regarding the annual canvass.

Q. I have received an email asking me to check that my registration details are correct. Is this from the council?

A: Some residents will have received an email as part of our canvass this year. We have sent our canvass emails from: Electoral Services – City of Wolverhampton Council - sends email) You can respond by visiting is external) and enter part 1 and part 2 of your security code. Or if the details are correct and you have no changes to make, you can also respond by either:

  • Calling 0800 884 0701 and when prompted enter part 1 and part 2 of your security code, or
  • Texting NO CHANGE with your security codes to 80212

If you have any queries please contact Electoral Services on the details provided within the email.

Q: I have received a telephone call from Electoral Services. Is this from the council?

Yes, we are undertaking telephone canvassing for properties that we hold contact details for and have not yet received their response to the letter we sent them. You can request to opt-out of being contacted for telephone canvassing in the future, by contacting us on 01902 55 1177 or sends email), confirming your name and address.

Q. I do not want to be contacted by email by Electoral Services.

A: You can opt-out of being contacted by email by completing this form.

Once you have completed this form, you will be contacted via post for future canvasses.

Q: What is the purpose of the annual canvass?

A: To ensure that we hold the correct details on our Electoral Register, an annual canvass of all households is undertaken in the city each year between July – November. Your household may be contacted via email, telephone or letter. You will need to respond if there is a change in your household. You may not need to respond if there are no changes. The communication you receive from us will let you know If we require your response.

Q: I’ve already registered, will I still get an annual canvass communication?

A: You will be contacted every year to find out if there have been any changes to who is living at your address. If there are changes, you must provide the information requested. The purpose of the canvass communication is to confirm who lives at your address. This means we can invite other residents, including any 16 and 17 year-olds, to register to vote if we need to.

Q: How do I complete the information requested on the canvass communication?

A: Responding to the canvass communication only takes a few minutes. Follow the details on how to respond shown on the communication (we strongly encourage you to opt for the online response). You need to include the name and nationality of everyone aged 16 or over who is resident and eligible to register to vote. If there are no eligible residents, you should state why this is the case. If anyone listed on the form is not living at your address, their name/s should be clearly crossed through.

Q: What will happen after I complete the canvass communication?

A: Any new names you provide in your response will allow us to send a separate individual registration invitation to those in your household who are not yet registered. Or if you let us know that someone has left the property, it will allow us to remove anyone who no longer lives in the property from the electoral register.

Q: Do I have to respond to a canvass communication?

A: If you have been sent a canvass communication confirming the names of people already living at your address, and there are no changes, you do not need to respond.

If you have been sent a canvass communication that asks you to make any changes, you need to respond by law and provide the information requested on the form. The ways of responding are on the communication – it is quick and easy online or by calling the freephone number (details are provided in your correspondence).

There is a criminal penalty for failing to provide the information required by the canvass form to the Electoral Registration Officer of a maximum of £1,000. The

penalty for providing false information to an Electoral Registration Officer is imprisonment of up to 51 weeks in England and Wales or, (on summary conviction) an unlimited fine.

Q: I have already returned a canvass communication, do I need to return the individual registration form I’ve received too?

A: You should complete and return the registration form or register online(link is external). The canvass communication is not a registration form but instead provides us with information on who lives in your household. This means we can invite other residents, including any 16 or 17 year-olds, to register to vote if we need to.