Current Start Preview Complete Information message Filling out this form will email the relevant department Your details Name Customer name Title Title - Select -MissMsMrMrsDrOther…- Select -▾- Select -MissMsMrMrsDrOther… Enter other… First name Last name Contact Email Phone number Business details Business name Customer address First line of Address Second line of Address City/Town Postcode License details License questions Summary of purpose and furniture Description of relevant highway location Plan of licensable area? (a) A plan detailing the premises, furniture, enclosure, highway and obstructions at a scale of no more than 1:100, should be included with the application. A red line should mark the perimeter of the premises and the area of relevant highway. Statutory purpose(s) of licence to sell or serve food or drink supplied from, or in connection with the relevant use of the premises use by other persons for the purpose of consuming food or drink supplied from, or in connection with relevant use of the premises Proposed furniture counters or stalls for selling or serving food tables, counters or shelves on which food or drink can be placed chairs, benches or other forms of seating umbrellas, barriers, heaters and other articles used in connection with the outdoor consumption of food or drink Please provide a description Enclosure description Proposed licensed hours Monday Monday times Monday proposed times to Tuesday Tuesday times Tuesday proposed times to Wednesday Wednesday times Wednesday proposed times to Thursday Thursday times Thursday proposed times to Friday Friday times Friday proposed times to Saturday Saturday times Saturday proposed times to Sunday Sunday times Sunday proposed times to Public liability insurance certificate Public liability insurance? minimum £5 million Last day for representation last date for representation Does the above date fall on a bank holiday Yes No including Christmas, Good Friday and bank holidays Information message please continue to the next question Information message please select the date picker above and add a day on Declarations Declaration 1 I declare that I am over 18 years of age and I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information I have provided in this application form and on the submitted plans is both accurate and correct. Your licence will be revoked with immediate effect if this application is subsequently shown to be falsely made. Declaration 2 I confirm that I have read and understand the Pavement Licence Policy (found in the Downloads section on this page. Declaration 3 I declare that all conditions attached to any granted, or deemed granted, licenced will be complied with. Notices A notice of this application will be emailed to you after you submit this form. You are required by law to fix a notice of the application to the premises today so that the notice is readily visible to, and can be read easily by, members of the public who are not on the premises, and securely so that the notice remains in place until the end of the public consultation period. This notice is a statutory requirement. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the application being rejected and application fees are non-refundable. I understand the above and have provided a legitimate email email address to receive the notice that I must display Status message A Customer Services Officer will contact you, via telephone using the number you have provided on this form, to take payment of £25 15651
Downloads File Standard Pavement Licence Conditions (148.53 KB) File Pavement Licence Policy (503.58 KB)