City of Wolverhampton Council is seeking your views on proposals to improve traffic flow and safety in this area.

Take part in the consultationYou can also send your comments to:

Please respond to the following questions        

  • Do you approve of the one-way proposal for Staveley Road with ‘no right turn’ from Staveley Road to Waterloo Road?        
  • Do you approve of the one-way proposal for Leicester Street?        
  • Do you approve of the proposals to extend the matchday parking permit scheme?        
  • What is your postcode?    

Please include your postcode and Staveley Road & Leicester Street One-Way in the subject. 
The scheme consultation closes on September 6, 2024.

The council receives frequent enquiries related to traffic management issues in the vicinity of Staveley Road, Dunstall Road and Leicester Street. A detailed assessment of the area has been undertaken to gain an understanding of how they might be improved.


  • Opposing vehicle movements resulting in congestion, conflict, and reports of vehicle damage.
  • Obstruction of the highway, caused by pavement parking and storage of goods and commercial waste containers.
  • Infringement of parking restrictions.
  • Matchday parking issues on the boundary of the existing restricted zone.

Proposals (See plans provided)

Staveley Road

  • One-way southbound from, Dunstall Road to Waterloo Road. 
  • Parking bays to be provided on the east side of Staveley Rd.
  • Remove some sections of double yellow lines on the east and west side of Staveley Road to allow a small increase in on street parking.
  • Loading restrictions and bollards to prevent obstruction of the highway at key locations.
  • Right turn ban from Staveley Road to Waterloo Road with central reserve and junction narrowing to prevent the turn.

Leicester Street

  • One-way westbound from Staveley Road to Gloucester Street.
  • Remove some double yellow lines on the south side of Leicester St to allow a small increase in on-street parking.

Extension to matchday parking permit scheme, to include the following roads:

  • Dunstall Road between Craddock Street to Evans Street.
  • Evans Street from Dunstall Road to 90m north of Brockhurst Drive.
  • Craddock Street from Jackson Street to Dunstall Road.
  • Jackson Street.
  • Lowe Street from Jackson Street to Dunstall Road.
  • Devoran Close.


The aim of the scheme is to provide a safer, free flowing environment for pedestrians and traffic by:

  • Removing two-way traffic movements.
  • Removing the need for vehicles to park on the pavement.
  • Providing marked parking bays to indicate where parking and loading is deemed safe and unobstructive.
  • To provide residents the opportunity to park near their property during matchdays.

A drop-in session will be held at the Tabernacle Baptist Church on Dunstall Road between 10am to 7pm – September 6, 2024 so that you may speak with officers regarding questions you may have.

To help ensure safety of pedestrians and free traffic movements please remember to: 

  • Park your vehicle on the carriageway and in a marked bay.
  • Observe parking and loading restrictions.
  • Store waste containers on private land.
  • Ensure commercial goods are stored off the pavement or maintain an absolute minimum of 1m pavement width.
Frequently asked questions
Why make Staveley Rd one-way?

To improve traffic flow and safety by removing two-way traffic movements, allowing more space for cars to park on the road and removing the need to park vehicles on the pavement.

Why one-way southbound, from Dunstall Road to Waterloo Road?

Analysis of existing flows indicates that one-way in the southbound direction should result in general consistency of flows across the immediate network. It is recognised that some residents will be affected by slightly increased journeys, however the scheme will deliver a significant overall improvement to the area including improved pedestrian safety and free flowing vehicle movements.

Why ban the right turn Staveley Road to Waterloo Road?

To deter infringement of the proposed one-way, deter traffic using Staveley Road as a through route to the city centre, simplify traffic movements, and improve pedestrian safety.

Why make Leicester Street one-way?

To improve traffic flow and safety by removing two-way traffic movements.

Why introduce loading restrictions and bollards?

To prevent vehicles stopping at locations that will cause safety issues and to maintain free-flowing traffic.

Will matchday parking restrictions be affected?

An extension to the existing matchday parking zone is proposed to include roads identified on the plan provided.

For more information regarding matchday parking permits, please visit Events and Match day parking permits.

Would there be enforcement of the proposed restrictions?

Two Weeks Informative Action

Should the scheme be implemented following consultation we would undertake two weeks of informative action to allow residents the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the updated restrictions across all affected streets. During this period warning notices would be issued to owners of vehicles that are parked contrary to restrictions, however where drivers have parked in a way that is deemed dangerous, fixed penalty notices would be issued.

Issue of Fixed Penalty Notices

If implemented, following the informative action period, parking enforcement officers would attend to issue fixed penalty notices to vehicles that are parked contrary to restrictions. We would also monitor traffic movements of the one-way roads and share information with the police to request enforcement if necessary.