The temporary traffic management restrictions outlined below are measures that have been introduced using emergency powers and will be followed by an advertisement of a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order:

City Centre Ring Road

  • Victoria Street closed in both directions between its junctions with Queen Square / Darlington Street / North Street and Bell Street / Skinner Street / Victoria Street. Access for deliveries will be permitted between the hours of 06:00 – 09:30 and 16:00 – 22:00 only. 
  • Victoria Street taxi bays and disabled parking bays between the junctions of Bell Street / Skinner Street / Victoria Street and Queen Square / Darlington Street / North Street to be suspended.
  • Victoria Street will be made one way in a northern direction between its junctions Salop Street / Cleveland Street and Bell Street / Skinner Street.
  • Lichfield Street will be made one way in a western direction between its junctions with Princess Street / Princess Square and Queen Square. Contraflow cycle lane provisions in place in an eastern direction for the length of the temporary closure.
  • Queen Square will be made one way in a western direction for its entire length between Lichfield Street and Darlington Street. Contraflow cycle lane provision in place in an eastern direction for the length of the temporary closure.
  • Darlington Street bus gate temporarily suspended for contraflow cycle lane provisions in an eastern direction. The diversion route is: Waterloo Road, Ring Road, Stafford Street.
  • Temporary change of use of highway on Tower Street to remove two bus stops and replace with temporary taxi rank.
  • Lichfield Street, outside the Grand Theatre – temporary time restrictions removed to provide taxi drop off/pick up provisions.
  • Exchange Street – temporary reversal of one way. Traffic to travel in a southerly direction from Cheapside to Queen Square only.
  • Queen Square – temporary taxi provisions for drop off/pick up allocated opposite Lich Gates to Exchange Street.
  • No right turn restriction from Darlington Street to School Street relaxed to allow buses, taxis and cyclists to turn right onto School Street
  • Snow Hill northbound between Temple Street and Cleveland Street - position of bus stop relocated within this section and provision of new taxi bays. Lane one between this section operates a temporary bus lane only.
  • Dudley Street its entire length / King Street its entire length / Queen Street between its junction with Dudley Street and Market Street / Princess Street between its junction with Queen Street and King Street / Bilston Street between its junction with Dudley Street and Garrick Street) – pedestrianised zone except for access for deliveries permitted between the hours of 06:00 – 08:30 and 16:00 – 22:00 only. 
  • Loading bay to operate on Darlington Street westbound opposite Blossoms Fold to Red Lion.  
  • Temporary 30mph speed limit in place on the Ring Road (A4150) in its entirety, including the roundabouts at Bilston Road, Penn Road and Chapel Ash.


  • Broad Street between its junction with Smith Street and Church Street / Church Street between its junction with High Street and Walsall Street / High Street between its junction with Church Street and Dudley Street – pedestrianised zone except for access for deliveries permitted between the hours of 06:00 – 08:30 and 16:00 – 22:00 only. 


City of Wolverhampton Council is making significant changes across it’s transport network to prioritise public safety and maintain social distancing as part of it’s response to COVID-19. A step in the right direction is the Wolverhampton transport plan which outlines the key proposals.

View the A Step in the Right Direction consultation(link is external) for more information and to give us your views.