You can request a dropped kerb by completing our online application form. Please ensure you read the attached application pack prior to applying. Our FAQ section also gives answers to some of the more common questions.

We encourage residents to legally park off the street to maintain traffic flow and minimise congestion.

A dropped kerb allows vehicles to cross the pavement to and from a driveway without damaging the pavement or kerbs

The work involves lowering the kerbstones and strengthening the pavement to create access.

However, we need to consider:

  • how this work will affect your garden
  • how this work will affect the street scene
  • if one can be constructed without compromising safety.

What happens next?

Once you complete the form below, we will arrange a site visit with you and the Highway Technician.

We will provide you with the outcome of the inspection within 21 days of the visit, this will include:

  • our decision whether to accept or deny your request for a dropped kerb
  • any conditions you need to meet to get approval (if applicable)
  • the reason(s) we have rejected your request (if applicable)

Approval is valid for 12 months from the date of the visit.

If you want to discuss a potential dropped kerb before making an application, please email sends email)

  • Current Start
  • Preview
  • Complete

Make an enquiry

Customer name
- Select -
  • - Select -
  • Miss
  • Ms
  • Mr
  • Mrs
  • Dr
  • Other…
Contact details

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need any permission?

Council permission

Yes, in every case you will need permission from the Council's Highways Assets team.

Private permission

You will also need to get landlord or land owner permission if:

  • you rent the property, including Wolverhampton Homes, housing association or private renting
  • the land where your parking the vehicle is leasehold
  • the dropped kerb access crosses over land owned by the Council
  • the access point is on private land

We will let you know if any of these apply to your application.

Providing permission

You will need to provide us with written evidence of the permission. Failure to provide this will result in a delay in your application

There will be a cost if an Officer has to visit the property, so you should get permission before applying

If you wish to check in advance please ring:

  • To verify the classification of a road, call Highway Assets (01902) 551807
  • Planning permission, call Planning Division (01902) 556026
Planning approval

If any of the below apply, you will require planning approval

  • The property is situated on a classified road - A, B or C
  • The property is within a conservation area
  • Your property is listed
  • If the building is divided into several properties, e.g. flats
  • Is for offices, shops etc

You will need to pay any costs associated with the construction of the dropped kerb.

Site Assessment

We charge an inspection fee of £150 for the administration and a Highway Technician to visit the property. They will assess if you meet any conditions for installing a dropped kerb. This fee is non-refundable

We will charge an extra cost if you request a Technician to return to:

  • confirm an existing footway crossing is legal;
  • go to assess a different property assess (e.g. at a property you're looking to buy)

Is there any financial help with the cost?

If you are registered disabled you may be able to get help with a dropped kerb. For further information contact the Council’s Independent Living Team

  • phone: (01902) 553666
  • email:

What if the Council are doing work on my street?

If we carry out work on the pavement outside your property, you could get a discount on a dropped kerb. This is for both a new one or the extension to an existing one.

If we do work on the pavement after you have bought a dropped kerb, you won't get a refund

Can I install the dropped kerb myself?

Only accredited contractors will be able to carry out work on the public highway. Any contractor must:

  • have public liability insurance
  • train their workforce to an accredited standard by a recognised body.
  • apply to the Council for a “Permit to Dig” licence. We will check insurance and accreditation during the process. There is a fee for this licence

Apply to the Council for a "Permit to Dig" licence. We will check insurance and accreditation during the process. There is a fee of £335 for this licence.

How wide can a dropped kerb be?

Standard Size

The standard width is 3 flat kerbs measuring 2.7m/9ft and two tapers measuring 1.8m.

What if I want a wider dropped kerb or want to extend my existing one?

If you want the dropped kerb to be wider, please tell us the width you would like when you fill in the application form. We aren't likely to approve dropped kerbs that are the full width of your property. This includes the extension of an existing one.

We may impose a maximum number of kerbs.

Does my garden need to be a certain depth and width?
  • Your garden must be at least of 5.5m (9ft) deep. This is to make sure your car does not overhang onto the footpath and obstruct pedestrians
  • The access opening between any walls, fences, hedges etc should be at least of 2.7m (6ft) wide.
Dropped Kerb Garden Size
What could stop me from having a dropped kerb?

You may not be able to have a dropped kerb if:

  • Your property is on a bend, close to traffic signals or at a road junction
  • There is a steep slope between your garden and the road
  • Your garden isn’t deep enough
  • There is a tree on the pavement outside your property that would be too close to the proposed crossing
  • Street signs and street lighting columns outside the property cannot be re-sited
  • Other reasons that apply only to the location of the property
  • You live on a 40mph road and are unable to leave your property in a forward gear
  • Your view when driving out of your property is not obstructed by high walls or fencing
  • The proposal will not affect the safety of traffic and pedestrians
When should I make a driveway in my garden?

You should not create a driveway until:

  • you have obtained the necessary permission(s)
  • we have let you know that we have accepted your dropped kerb application

You should do any works to the driveway before work starts on the dropped kerb to prevent any damage.

Works should make sure any water or loose materials (e.g. gravel) do not run into the road.

Will I own the dropped kerb?

No, the dropped kerb will remain part of the public highway and is our responsibility to maintain.

What about street furniture such as signs or telegraph poles?

Street Items not owned by the Council

We can't low a kerb if it is in front of items such as:

  • telegraph poles,
  • street cabinets,
  • inspection covers

It is your responsibility to:

  • contact the company:
  • co-ordinate the works required
  • pay for any works yourself

We will let you know if you need any such alterations works.

It is wise to get estimates of costs from utility companies before doing any works. Such works can have high costs.

Street Items owned by the Council

We will tell you after the inspection if you need to have any street furniture moved, these may include:

  • lamp posts
  • street signs

We will give you a fixed price for this work, payable to the Council

Only the City of Wolverhampton Council can carry out this work.

What if a tree on the pavement is affected by the proposed dropped kerb?

All trees are subject to:

  • a site inspection
  • a risk assessment

Our Arboricultural Officer will do these. There needs to be a distance of four times the trunk circumference between the tree and the dropped kerb. This is to protect the roots.

Request an inspection

To request a tree inspection:

  1. Visit our 'Contact us' page
  2. Select “Other” from the drop-down
  3. Ask for a tree inspection as part of a dropped kerb request.

Paying for a tree removal

We will pay to have a tree removed where it:

  • is dead
  • is diseased
  • has outgrown its location
  • is inappropriate for its location

If we give permission to remove the tree but none of the above applies, you will need to pay for the removal.

You may also have to pay for the cost of planting a replacement. We will tell you if this is the case

Only the City of Wolverhampton Council can carry out this work.

I'm not happy with the decision

If you aren't happy with the reasons for the refusal you may wish to contact us:

Head of City Transport
City of Wolverhampton Council
Civic Centre
St Peters Square