City Centre Pedestrian Zone

We recently carried out a consultation into plans to control access to the pedestrianised zone in the City Centre. The plans include:

  • a new one-way system and
  • install rising bollards

There has been a long-standing issue with too many unauthorised vehicles entering the zone outside of permitted times. This puts pedestrians at risk.

As lockdown eases, shops reopen and the city gets busier, it is vital that we keep visitors safe. The bollards and one-way system will become operational on Sunday 14th March. The map shows:

  • where we have installed the new bollards
  • the new route delivery vehicles must take to enter and exit the pedestrianised zone during the permitted times.

Controlled access only will be in place outside of these times. To request access, email: sends email)

If you need any further information about this scheme, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the changes?

Access to the pedestrian zone will be restricted with controlled access, using rising bollards. The restriction will be in place between

  • 8:30am and 5:00pm
  • 10:00pm to 6:00am

During which time access arrangements will be as follows:

  • Waiting will not be permitted at any time of day
  • General loading/deliveries will only be permitted between:
    • 6am and 8.30am
    • 5pm and 10pm

We are reversing the direction that vehicles travel along part of Dudley Street. 

Why are we doing this?

It has been a longstanding issue that the city centre has relied on fixed signs to control access. These have largely been ignored and abused. Enforcement is ongoing across the city centre, challenging and penalising those not following the restrictions. Despite this, the restrictions continued to be ignored. 

More recently, against the backdrop of terrorist vehicle attacks across the UK, there has been more emphasis to consider how to protect areas from such incidents. We have identified several locations across the city as high risk. These including pedestrianised areas. Where appropriate, measures are being introduced to manage this risk.

Reversing the flow of traffic between Queen Street and Bilston Street will improve the flow of traffic around the city centre.

Finally, as the city centre reopens from the latest Covid pandemic lockdown, now is the right time to review the management of the pedestrian zones. This will ensure the city is well placed for the exciting regeneration projects that lie ahead. 

What is a Vehicular Access Control System?

To assist in managing the Traffic Regulation Order, we are introducing a rising bollard system. This controls the entry and exit points to the pedestrian zone. There will be two controlled entry points;

  • Princess Street near the junction with Queen Street
  • King Street near the junction with Princess Street

Each entry point will

  • be covered by CCTV
  • have signal control indicators to show when the bollard is rising/falling
  • have an intercom system to allow access enquiries

Under normal operation, the bollards will follow an automated timetable. However, there will be remote control to allow emergency access during restricted times.

Additionally, there will also be three controlled exits:

  • Dudley Street near the junction with Lichfield Street (Queen Square)
  • Queen Street near the junction with Princess Street/Market Street
  • Dudley Street near the junction with Bilston Street

At these locations, the bollard control will be automated to allow any vehicle to exit.

All equipment installed will be designed and manufactured in accordance with TOPAS 2510A specification. The following safety features will also be included:

  • a green/red light system to enable clear visual warning
  • an audio system to provide warning of bollards during a change of state
  • standard safety detection, preventing bollards from rising while vehicles are within the safety zone.
Can I access the Pedestrian Zone during closure times?

It should be expected that access requests to the pedestrian zone during restricted hours will be refused.

We do recognise that there are some businesses that need specific access. There may also be unforeseen circumstances that require emergency access.

Any authorised access through the bollards, during restricted times, will be controlled from the Council’s Urban Traffic Control centre. Staff there will grant access remotely.

Who has authorised access?

Permitted Purposes

  • Bullion/Security collections
  • Royal Mail vehicles (collection from Post Boxes Only)
  • Emergency Maintenance (in the interests of Public Safety)
  • Emergency access for Emergency Service Vehicles
  • Utility works
  • Highway Maintenance/works
  • Planned works (where works cannot be arranged outside of restricted hours and a permit has been issued)

Not Permitted

  • General or scheduled maintenance that can be arranged outside of restricted hours
  • Deliveries/Loading
  • Taxis/ Private Hire
  • General Public
  • Disabled Parking (except to bays in Bilston Street)
  • Cyclists (except Princess Street)
  • E-Scooters