Brief Summary
The A449 Stafford Road is an important route between Wolverhampton City Centre and Stafford, as well as connecting Wolverhampton to the i54 Enterprise Zone and the motorway network at M54 Junction 2. However, the route is very congested, which means road users cannot reliably plan their journeys and often wait in traffic jams. The proposed package of improvements aims to increase the reliability of journey times for cars, buses, and freight. In addition, improvements will aim to make the A449 safer and more convenient for cyclists and pedestrians.
Start date:
End date:
£8 million
Point A: Junction of A449 and Wobaston Road
Point B: Junction of A449 and Wolverhampton Ring Road
Project information
Currently the A449 suffers from significant congestion and could be made safer and more convenient for cyclists and pedestrians.
The A449 Stafford Road scheme builds on the work completed in 2019 which improved the route from M54 Junction 2 to Wobaston Road. Phase 2 of the scheme, from Wobaston Road to Wolverhampton Ring Road, now aims to make journey times more reliable for all road users, encourage people to cycle and cater to increased travel demand in the future.
It is hoped that with more reliable bus journey times and high-quality cycling routes, residents will see the benefit in travelling in an environmentally friendly way. This will have knock on effects for reducing carbon emissions and other pollutants which contribute to poor air quality in the area.
In addition, by improving the road capacity for motorists, this will result in better connectivity for residents travelling to access jobs, education and leisure facilities. Businesses will also benefit from more reliable logistics on the corridor and onto the motorway network.
Environmental benefits:
- Improve air quality
- Improve cycling facilities
- Improve pedestrian facilities
- Reduce traffic congestion across Wolverhampton City Centre
Structural benefits:
- Improve road network
- Regenerate City Centre
- Support future regeneration projects
Public Health benefits:
- Safer cycle routes
- Safe pedestrian walking facilities
- Reduction in polluted air near residential areas
Economic benefits:
- Improve access to local businesses
- Improved connectivity to the city centre, employment sites and the motorway network
- Encourage investment into neighbouring areas
- Improve access to residential areas
- Support major identified regeneration sites
Current status
The A449 Stafford Road Phase 2 scheme is in the early stages of developing designs for improving the route, public consultation is not underway yet.