If you suspect someone of misusing a Blue Badge, you can report this to us confidentially.
You can report this to us confidentially.
The Blue Badge parking scheme is intended to improve access for disabled people, however, Blue Badge misuse undermines the benefits of the scheme. It can also impact local traffic management and often creates hostility amongst other road users and members of the public.
Examples of badge misuse include:
- using a fake badge
- using an amended badge
- using a lost or stolen badge
- using the badge of a deceased person
- using a genuine badge where the registered user is not present
Blue Badge misuse is an offence and could result in:
- issuing of a Penalty Charge Notice
- withdrawal of the badge
- prosecution in the Magistrates Court where the maximum fine is £1000.
Blue Badge misuse:
- undermines the benefits of the scheme
- impacts local traffic management
- can create hostility amongst other road users and members of the public