Return your Blue Badge

Please return the badge to us if:

  • it has expired
  • you no longer use/need your badge
  • you are no longer eligible for a badge
  • you have found the badge you thought was lost or stolen (please return the original)
  • it is damaged or faded to the point that you cannot read the details on it
  • the badge holder has passed away

You can return a Blue Badge to our address (below), including a note stating the reason for the return:

Wolverhampton City Council,
Blue Badge Service,
Ground Floor Civic Centre,
St. Peter’s Square,

Lost/Stolen Badges

If your Blue Badge is lost or stolen, you need to let us know by completing the form below.

The charge for a replacement Blue Badge is £10, we will request payment from you when the badge is ready to be ordered.

  • Current Start
  • Preview
  • Complete

Replace or renew?

Did your badge expire within 6 months?