The Mental Health Social Care Team have conversations with people, their families, loved ones and carers to see if we can connect them to services or community groups. We also talk to people about ongoing assistance and arrange formal support if needed.

What we do

We work in partnership with people who use our services, carers, NHS, third and independent sector organisations to ensure that a range of services are provided to help people recover from mental distress.

These include:

  • Safeguarding Adults
    People with mental health difficulties may be unable to take care of themselves, or protect themselves from harm, abuse or from being exploited. The work that we do is helped by two important pieces of legislation; the Mental Capacity Act 2005(link is external) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).

  • The Mental Health Social Care Team
    The Mental Health Social Care Team is made up of both social workers and social care workers. There is a social worker available on the phone every day, to have a conversation with people who need some support to live a good life due to mental health difficulties. The team help people make connections to their neighbourhood and community, as well as considering whether more formal care and support is required under Care Act 2014 eligibility.

Public Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health and wellbeing influence every aspect of people's lives. Mental health problems are unevenly distributed across society and half of all mental health problems have been established by the age of 14, rising to 75% by age 24. Poor mental health is both a cause and consequence of overall health inequalities due to its associations with physical health, employment, housing and lifestyle factors. Creating the conditions for every resident in the city to have the best mental health and wellbeing that they can at every stage of their life underpins delivery of Wolverhampton's Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023–2028(link is external)

Useful links

Contact us 

For more information about support with Mental Health please contact Adult Social Services.