You can apply to amend a Club Premises Certificate to alter licensable activities including the supply of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainment and late night refreshment.
There are two types of variation application, in order to demine the type of application you are required to submit please refer to the following guidance or contact the licensing team.
Minor Variation or Full Variation
Clubs may use the minor variation process to make small changes to their certificates as long as these changes have no adverse impact on the licensing objectives.
If the changes will impact upon the licensing objectives the full variation application should be completed.
How to apply
An application to vary a club premises certificate must be made in writing to the licensing authority and be accompanied by:
- The appropriate fee (see below)
- An operating schedule
- A plan of the premises is only required if the layout of the premises is to change as part of the variation
- A copy of the club rules
- The original certificate returned to the address detailed below
For Full variations:
- Copies of the application must also be sent to all responsible authorities
- You must also place an advertisement at the premises and in a local newspaper.
For Minor Variations:
- You must place an advertisement at the premises.
A full variation fee will be determined by the non-domestic ratable value of the premises
A minor variation is £89.00.
Apply online
Variation to your existing club premises
Minor variation to your existing club premises
Alternatively you can download the application forms from the download section and submit these with the supporting documents to the address below.
Contact us
Please complete our contact Licensing providing as much information as you can to enable us to respond as quickly as possible.
Or write to:
City of Wolverhampton Council
Civic Centre
St Peters Square