How to apply for a permit to hold temporary events.

There is new guidance in relation to Temporary Event Notices (with effect from 01.01.2022).

Please go to the Temporary Events Notice (England and Wales) on for more information.

If you want to hold a temporary event or function, you must provide us with a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) no later than 10 working days before the event.

A late TEN can be applied (in exceptional circumstances) within 5 working days.


Your event must:

  • last no more than 168 hours, or 7 days
  • have no more than 499 people at any one time - including staff

Fees and how to pay

Temporary Event Notice costs £21. 

If applying by post or in person you can pay by cheque/postal order made payable to City of Wolverhampton Council.

How to apply

Please note before submitting an application, ensure your event is following the latest COVID-19 government guidelines. For more information please visit Local restriction tiers: what you need to know

Apply online at

By post and in person

Download, print off and complete the Temporary Event Notice Application Form found in the Downloads section

Return your form to:

City of Wolverhampton Council
Civic Centre
St Peters Square

How long will it take you to process my application?

We will acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 working day.

If the application is made by post or in person, it must also be served on West Midlands Police and Environmental Health.

If you do not supply the correct information, documents or fee, your application will be rejected.