Information for private tenants and landlords in Wolverhampton including our Rent with Confidence scheme.
Rent with Confidence

Wolverhampton’s Rent with Confidence (RwC) scheme is aimed at working with the Private Rented Sector to improve the quality, standard of property conditions and management of the sector.

Visit Rent with Confidence(link is external)

Damp and Mould Action Plan for Private Rented Properties

For advice and guidance on how to deal with damp and mould please visit Condensation, Damp and Mould.

Damp and mould advice leaflet shall be provided in response to all enquiries, regardless of whether they refer to damp and mould.

Private Sector Housing will undertake the robust enforcement of:

  • Adequate reasonably economic heating.
  • Insulation.
  • Ventilation such as extractor fans.

Damp and mould cleaning kits will be provided to private tenants for low level mould issues.

Where there are significant damp and mould issues, tenants are ‘People at increased risk’ under the new guidance, and the landlord is not at fault Private Sector Housing Service will consider providing:

  • Professional removal of the mould.
  • Domestic thermometer / hygrometer to help tenants monitor humidity in the home.
  • Window vacs, for removing water from bathrooms before it evaporates.
  • Short term loan of a dehumidifier, whilst a long-term solution is found.

For more information please contact us.