There are a number of payment methods available for paying your housing rent.

You can pay your Housing Rent through My Account which gives you access to a range of Council services - get started by registering for an account here and pay your rent. You'll need your 8 digit payment reference.

Pay your Housing Rent/Charges(link is external)

Payments are protected using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. We accept most major credit and debit cards.

Other ways to pay

Direct Debit

Apply for a direct debit on the Wolverhampton Homes website.

Visit Wolverhampton Homes(link is external)

By phone

  • Using the council's 24 hour automated Freephone line: 0800 180 4464, choose extension 1
    • Payments made through this service will credit your account the next working day, therefore payments made on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday will credit your account on a Monday.

Telephone banking

Make a BACS payment from your bank account to the council's bank account. Please quote your 8 digit payment reference.

  • Sort Code: 56-00-69
  • Account Number: 44470304

Customer payment card

Pay at any PayPoint(link is external) or Post Office(link is external) using a customer payment card which contains your payment reference.

By post

Post a cheque payable to Wolverhampton City Council.

Include your name, address and 8 digit payment reference.

Banking Services
City of Wolverhampton Council
P.O. Box 260

You can also pay at your Local Housing Office.

Rent Review Notices for financial year 2022-2023

City of Wolverhampton Council completed a review of rent and service charges following online consultation with tenants and leaseholders in addition to feedback from Council’s managing agents: Wolverhampton Homes, Dovecotes TMO, New Park Village TMC, and Bushbury Hill EMB.

In line with Government guidelines, the Council’s Cabinet decided at its meeting on 19 January 2022 to increase rents by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) at 3.1% plus 1%, meaning rents will increase by 4.1%.

Customers claiming benefits 

  • Customers claiming Housing benefit will be written to by the Council’s benefits team
  • Customers claiming Universal Credit, will need to provide the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) with the information contained on their letter. They can do this themselves, online by updating their Universal Credit claim journal.  They should complete the 'Confirm your housing costs' to-do, on the 'date of change' or as soon after 4 April 2022

Increased Garage charges 

  • Standard charge: £4.79
  • Standard charge plus VAT: £5.75 (3rd and subsequent garage or garage not within reasonable proximity of home address) 
  • Private tenant: £8.23

Non-Council tenants pay the standard charge plus a non-tenant premium plus VAT


Managing Agents will be dealing with enquiries generated by rent review notices

  • Wolverhampton Homes – 01902 556789
  • Bushbury Hill - 01902 552995
  • Dovecotes - 01902 552780
  • New Park Village – 01902 552670

Direct Debit

Direct debit payers will be notified of new instalments during March 2022 by Wolverhampton Homes 
Service Charges for any service provided

Service charges will also increase by 3.1% to cover the cost of recovery for providing the service.

A service charge is added to the weekly rent make up to properties benefiting from any of the services provided.

Frequently asked Questions

What is a Conditional Garage?
A garage that has been let with the dwelling – can be within the curtilage or on separate garage site.  The weekly Standard charge is added to the rent make up. 

What is Heating Maintenance Charge?
A weekly charge added to properties at Hickman Avenue & Heath Town for the provision and maintenance of Heating systems

What is a Heating Improvement Charge?
A weekly charge for the provision and maintenance of Heating systems either Gas or Electricity

What is a Concierge Charge?
A weekly charge added to high and low rise blocks - the concierge service provides a range of services including caretaking, tenancy and estate management, security and information.  

What is a Facilities Charge?
A weekly charge added for the maintenance of communal facilities, such as community alarm, communal areas, laundries, guest rooms where applicable and landings

What is a Digital TV Charge?
A weekly charge added to dwellings of high and low rise blocks to cover the installation and maintenance of equipment supplied

What is a Communal Cleaning Charge?
A weekly charge added to properties for the cleaning of communal areas 

What is a Fencing Charge?
A weekly charge added for erecting and replacing fencing

Supported Housing and Properties let for Temporary Accommodation 
Have additional service charges added for the unique services provided to the dwellings

What is a Permitted Number?
This is how many people can occupy the dwelling before it is deemed overcrowded.  The permitted number is shown on the rent review notice.  A tenant who causes or permits the dwelling to be overcrowded is liable to prosecution for an offence under the Housing Act 1985 and if convicted can be fined.