If your present home has become too small or too large or you would like to move to a different area you could consider a mutual exchange.
A mutual exchange can be a very quick and easy way to move to a home that suits you better and you don't need to be on a waiting list or have a housing need.
If you want to move away from Wolverhampton, you can exchange properties with willing tenants in any part of the country.
To help you find an exchange
This is a West Midlands scheme to help find potential exchange partners. You can use it to look for swaps in Wolverhampton or anywhere in the West Midlands.
Are there any rules when exchanging?
Yes. These are:
- you must have permission from your landlord or local housing office before you can exchange
- you cannot move to a property that is too big or too small for your needs
- you can't move into a property that has been adapted for a disabled person unless you or someone in your family need the adaptations
- you cannot have any outstanding rent arrears and other housing debts
There are also 11 statutory grounds for refusing an exchange as outlined in Schedule 3 of the Housing Act 1985.
Contact your local housing office for more information.