Each year, the Regulator of Social Housing requires us to publish our Tenant Satisfaction Measures.

The Government’s Regulator of Social Housing has introduced a new system to assess how well social housing landlords in England are delivering quality homes and services. Starting April 1, 2023, the City of Wolverhampton Council must collect, report, and publish Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) data to give tenants more visibility of its performance.

The Council must survey over 1,000 households per year using 12 tenant perception measures. The Council owns about 22,000 homes managed by four agents:

  • Bushbury Hill Estate Management Board
  • Dovecotes Tenant Management Organisation
  • New Park Village Tenant Management Cooperative
  • Wolverhampton Homes

Acuity Research & Practice will conduct these surveys by phone and email. The survey will take 8-10 minutes and cover repairs, building safety, complaints handling, tenant engagement, and neighbourhood management. The questions are standardised for all social landlords.

The surveys will help the Council and Managing Agents understand tenant opinions and identify areas for improvement. Tenants can express their views and rate their satisfaction with housing services. These responses will be compiled into satisfaction levels to identify areas needing improvement.
The Council will publish an annual report with these satisfaction measures and key performance metrics. These reports will be available in PDF format under the ‘downloads’ section, with a summary of the year’s measures outlined below.

The surveys are confidential, and responses will be anonymous unless tenants allow their details to be shared.

If contacted by Acuity, tenants are encouraged to participate and share their views!