We will sometimes advertise homes that are ‘immediately available’. These are properties that have been advertised before but not let.

We advertise them separately so you can see which ones you can choose from, and they will also be included in the main property list. 

You bid on these homes in the same way, but the difference is that the first person to bid will be made an offer, regardless of their banding.  

As they will be immediately available, please note:

  • You will need to be registered on HITC to bid
  • You will need to be able to move in straight away
  • Your contact number must be up to date so that we can contact you quickly
  • You will need to be eligible for the property, in terms of number of bedrooms you need
  • You must have all of your IDs ready for checking
  • You must have the first week’s rent saved up ready to pay when you get the keys.
  • Pets are not allowed in this property

There are currently no Immediate Available Homes to bid on.