Before you request a review please read the information on:
- Your housing options
- Who Can Join
- Banding
- Housing Allocations Policy - In the Housing strategy, performance and policy Downloads section
You will also need to update your application and send us any further supporting evidence.
Submitting a review request
You should submit a review request within 21 days of any decision about your application. We may consider requests outside of the 21 days if you can show a reasonable reason for the delay in submitting.
An officer will usually conduct the review within 56 days. They will be of appropriate seniority and won't have made any of the decisions under review. We will inform you of the outcome in writing.
In the case of access to the housing register, we will conduct the review as a paper-based exercise.
If you would like the officer undertaking the review to contact, you please let us know.
To submit a review, please complete our Application Review Form.