The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) describes the current provision of community pharmacy services across Wolverhampton.

It is the responsibility of the City of Wolverhampton's Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) to produced the cities PNA. The latest iteration of the PNA is valid for the period between 2022-2025. The PNA describes the current provision of community pharmacy services across the city and explores whether this meets the needs of our population. Production of the document has been overseen by a range of partners with an interest in community pharmacy services. It will be used by NHS England to consider future applications for new pharmacies, inform the contracting of existing services, and help to shape services in the future.

You can read the latest PNA in the downloads section.

If you have any queries regarding the report, please contact Riva Eardley at: sends email) or 07773 193928.