The FREE NHS Health Check is available to adults aged between 40 and 74 (without pre-existing conditions) once every five years and will help you to take steps to maintain or improve your health.

The check will assess an individual’s health, and identify simple lifestyle changes that person could make to lower their risk of developing serious but preventable conditions such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers and dementia.

The health check only takes about 30 minutes. You will be asked some simple questions about: your family history, mental wellbeing, and current lifestyle choices around smoking, drinking alcohol, diet and physical activity. Followed by a simple medical assessment including: your height, weight, blood pressure and a blood test to check your cholesterol and glucose levels. Following the health check, your results will be communicated to you, and you will be given a ten year risk score with personalised tailored advice on how to improve your risk score in the future.

If eligible, you will receive an invitation from your GP practice in due course. However, if you think your NHS Health Check is overdue, then please contact your GP practice directly to discuss.

Please remember, if you are concerned about any aspect of your health, contact your GP practice to discuss – please do not wait for an invitation.

For more information please visit NHS Health Checks.

NHS Health Checks