Report any concerns relating to a food business located within Wolverhampton. Complete our web form to make a food complaint or report any concerns relating to a food business. Current Start Preview Complete Information message Filling out this form will email the relevant department Your details Name Customer name Title Title - Select -MissMsMrMrsDrOther…- Select -▾- Select -MissMsMrMrsDrOther… Enter other… First name Last name Address Customer address First line of Address Second line of Address City/Town Postcode Contact Contact details Email Phone number Business details Name Business name Address Business address First line of Address Second line of Address City/Town Postcode Complaint details Type of complaint Type of complaint - Select -Food poisoningUnhappy with Food ProductCondition of food business/Hygiene issueFood past its dateHealth and Safety complaintOther…- Select -▾- Select -Food poisoningUnhappy with Food ProductCondition of food business/Hygiene issueFood past its dateHealth and Safety complaintOther… Enter other… Date and time of incident Date and time of incident: Date Date and time of incident: Time Food poisoning details Were others in your party affected? Yes No Are they part of your household? Yes No Have you visited your GP? Yes No Did you provide a specimen? Yes No Error message Thank you for contacting City of Wolverhampton Council. In order to confirm if you have been suffering food poisoning, you will need to provide a sample. Visit your GP as soon as possible if you are still symptomatic. For more information visit is external). A record of your complaint will be kept on file. Warning message Thank you for contacting City of Wolverhampton Council. In order to confirm if you have been suffering food poisoning, you will need to provide a sample. For more information, visit is external). A record of your complaint will be kept on file. Status message Thank you for contacting City of Wolverhampton Council. The Local Authority in which you live will automatically get a notification if your symptoms are confirmed as food poisoning and you may be contacted. A record of your complaint will be kept on file. Unhappy with food product details Cause of unhappiness Cause of unhappiness - Select -MouldInsects, slugs etcBlack bitsSticks and stonesOther…- Select -▾- Select -MouldInsects, slugs etcBlack bitsSticks and stonesOther… Please provide as much detail as you can Mould details Type of food - Select -Fresh Fruit and VegTinned or sealed food- Select -▾- Select -Fresh Fruit and VegTinned or sealed food Information message Mould growth occurs naturally when fruit and vegetables become damaged and bruised. Thank you for contacting City of Wolverhampton Council. On this occasion no further action will be taken. Information message There is no risk to health. Mould occasionally occurs when sealed cartons or cans become damaged allowing air to enter the carton or can which encourages mould growth. Thank you for contacting City of Wolverhampton Council. On this occasion, no further action will be taken. We would recommend that you contact the place of purchase. Insects and slugs details Type of food - Select -Fresh fruit and vegetablesCanned or frozen fruit and vegetables Flour, grain, sugar or pulses- Select -▾- Select -Fresh fruit and vegetablesCanned or frozen fruit and vegetables Flour, grain, sugar or pulses Information message Always wash fresh fruit and vegetables. They are not harmful to health and should be removed during the washing of the food. Thank you for contacting City of Wolverhampton Council. On this occasion, no further action will be taken. Information message Sometimes insects are difficult to detect during processing. They are not harmful to health and should be removed during the washing of food. Thank you for contacting City of Wolverhampton Council. On this occasion, no further action will be taken. We would recommend you contact the place of purchase regards your complaint. Information message These are tiny brown insects which breed rapidly in warm, dark, humid conditions. These are a domestic pest and are rarely found commercially. If you find them: discard all affected foods clean cupboards thoroughly store all new dried goods in airtight containers ensure good ventilation in food areas Thank you for contacting City of Wolverhampton Council. On this occasion no further action will be taken. Black bits details Are the black bits uneven in shape? Yes No Information message Uneven Grey or black pieces are more than likely to be bakery char which are pieces of overcooked dough which have flaked off baking trays. We would recommend that you contact the place of purchase. Thank you for contacting City of Wolverhampton Council. On this occasion, no further action will be taken Do you have Pictures? Yes No Status message Please attach the pictures. Thank you for contacting the City of Wolverhampton Council. We will review the pictures and an officer will contact you. Error message Unfortunately without physical or photographic evidence we will be unable to investigate the matter further. Thank you for contacting City of Wolverhampton Council Sticks and stones details Information message Thank you for contacting City of Wolverhampton Council. On this occasion, no further action will be taken. For Vegetables - Small sticks and stones may originate from the soil in which vegetables are grown. For raw fruit and vegetables - thoroughly wash before consuming. For frozen or canned fruit or vegetables - We would recommend that you contact the place of purchase Condition of food business details Please provide as much detail as you can about your concern about the condition of the food business Please upload any picture you have? Health and Safety complaint details Please provide as much detail as you can about your Health and Safety complaint If you can, please upload an image to support the complaint One file only.64 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, svg.20 MB limit per form. Food past its date details Food past its date confirmation Food past its Best Before date Food past its Use By date Status message Best Before dates are about quality, the food will be safe to eat after this date. The business is not committing an offence by selling the items past their date. Thank you for contacting City of Wolverhampton Council. On this occasion, no further action will be taken. Please provide as much detail as you can about you complaint Please upload any picture you have? Evidence details Please provide some evidence or we can't investigate the matter further. Please upload any picture you have? 13518