The council needs your help in reporting any incidences of graffiti that you see anywhere across the city.

Reporting Grafitti

Graffiti is an illegal and anti-social activity that:

  • creates a negative impression of an area
  • contributes to people's fear of crime

Where we remove graffiti

We remove graffiti from:

  • Highways
  • City Council owned property
  • Cemeteries
  • Closed church yards
  • Parks
  • Children's play equipment

Racist or offensive graffiti will be removed within 2 working days. Graffiti that is neither racist or offensive will be removed within 10 working days

When we remove graffiti from Private property

When racist/obscene graffiti from private land is viewable by the public. We do remove this free of charge.

The owner of the property will need to agree to a disclaimer. This is in respect of any possible damage that may occur during graffiti removal.

Where we don’t remove graffiti

The council is not responsible for removing all graffiti. The table below shows who to get in touch with when graffiti is at these locations.

Council housing/property & land

Contact Wolverhampton Homes

School Premises

Wolverhampton Schools contact details

Telephone boxes

Contact BT with the telephone number and location, together with the nature of the fault.

BT cabinets 

Contact BT

Virgin Media cabinets

Contact Virgin Media -

Post Boxes

Contact Royal Mail - with the post box number or area post code and pictures.

Bus Stop/Shelter

Contact Network West Midlands

Electricity sub-stations

Contact West Midlands Western Power

Canal side towpaths

Contact Canal & River Trust

Railway Lines

Contact Network Rail

When we don’t remove graffiti from Private property

It is the property owners responsibility to remove graffiti when:

  • the racist/obscene graffiti is not viewable by the public
  • the graffiti is non-offensive

If you are not the owner and the graffiti has been there for some time please report this to us. We will look to get in touch with the owner.

Guidance for property owners

How to remove graffiti

Permanent marker pens and paint spray cans are the most common ways used to create graffiti. It is best to remove it before it has a chance to dry.

  • Scrub and wash it off with strong detergent. You can remove stubborn graffiti using specialised products. These are available from hardware stores.

Paint over it.

  • First, clean the surface to remove any materials that would stop new paint from adhering.
  • Use matching paint or a neutral colour like grey or beige. Paint in a square to cover the entire section of graffiti.
How to prevent graffiti

Having your property vandalised can be distressing and costly. You can help protect your property and deter graffiti vandals.

  • Plant shrubs and other vegetation to reduce access to the property
  • Quick removal gives the message that you don't tolerate graffiti.
  • Keep your property clean and tidy. Vandals are more likely to graffiti a property they believe isn't cared for.
  • Use materials such as Trellis. These can make it difficult to graffiti surfaces.
  • Use pastel shades of paint rather than white.
  • Apply a clear coat finish or anti-vandal paint to protect surfaces.
  • Install CCTV
What happens if you don't remove graffiti from your property?

You will receive a letter from the Council requesting you remove any graffiti. Failure to do so within a reasonable time may result in the Council taking action. This would be by serving you with a legal notice requiring you to remove or mask the graffiti. Failure to comply with such a notice may result in legal proceedings against you.

Please help us

You can report graffiti by contacting the street cleansing team, providing:

  • the exact or closest location
  • if the graffiti is racist or offensive
  • size/amount of graffiti
  • names and physical description of the offenders (if known), including:
    • approximate age
    • clothing
    • appearance
  • details of any vehicles involved (if any)
  • any additional information on what happened or what was witnessed  

Contact our Street Cleansing team