The Tree and Woodland Strategy aims to tackle climate change, realise the many benefits of trees and improve the coverage of trees in the City.

Tree and Woodland Strategy approval

The Council’s Cabinet approved the City's Tree and Woodland Strategy on 22 January 2020.

You can find a copy of the Strategy and a poster outlining the main objectives in the Download section.

The benefits

The benefits of trees and woodland includes:

  • Promoting physical activity and health and wellbeing, including mental health
  • Helping to tackle climate change by:
    • providing cooling
    • reducing flooding
    • absorbing Carbon Dioxide
  • Helping to improve air quality and reduce noise pollution
  • Supporting wildlife and promoting biodiversity
  • Helping to create a ‘sense of place’, local distinctiveness and attractive townscapes
  • Helping to attract new residents and investment and enhancing property prices

The Strategy has more details about the benefits of trees and an Action Plan. Some of the key actions include:

  • carrying out a detailed survey of tree cover across the city
  • developing a tree planting programme

Charter for Trees, Woods and People

The Woodland Trust launched the Charter for Trees, Woods and People in November 2017. The Council agreed to support the 'Tree Charter' on 22 January 2020.

For more details, go to the Woodland Trust website:

visit is external)

Record the trees you plant in the West Midlands Virtual Forest

Here you can learn how you can record any trees you plant in Wolverhampton.