You can calculate your own carbon footprint here.
What you can do to reduce your carbon footprint
We are all responsible for reducing carbon, even in small but meaningful ways. Each of us can make small changes that amount to big outcomes by thinking about:
- the way we use energy
- the way we travel
- the things we buy
- the things we throw away
An example of a small thing you can do it
- switching off lights when leaving a room
- turning electrical items off rather than to standby
by doing both of these, each year you could save:
- £44 per household
- 244-kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy
- 61 kg of Carbon Dioxide
multiplied across all 110,000 homes in the city that would equal:
- Savings of £4.8 million across the city
- 27 million kWh of energy saved
- 6100 tonnes of CO2 (equal to taking 3,600 cars off the City's roads for a whole year)
Find out how to reduce your carbon footprint and save money by looking at our Climate Emergency Toolkit. You can find this in the Downloads section.
You can make a pledge as an individual, a household or a business. Pick some actions to take and commit yourself to change your behaviours. and help contribute to the City’s sustainability goals.
Pledge to reduce my Carbon Footprint
Useful links for residents
Switch to low carbon travel modes
Useful links for business
Advice for businesses and local authorities
Find funding to help your business become greener
Royal London Changemakers Programme
Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust Sustainable Futures Fund
Low & Zero Carbon Heat Networks
Biomass Feedstocks Innovation Programme