If you wish to make a referral to Specialist Learning Support, please read the information below.

We can accept referrals for children with additional needs that attend schools within Wolverhampton that purchase a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with us. The purpose of our service is to support school staff in identifying pupil’s individual needs to ensure that these needs can be appropriately met within the classroom.

We only accept referrals from schools.  

Once the referral is started, you will be unable to save your progress until the referral is complete.

To complete the referral, you will need:

  • Personal details of the child and their family (address, phone number, email, DOB etc.)
  • School details (including contact details for your DSL)
  • Date of child’s most recent hearing and vision checks
  • Evidence of the Graduated Approach being applied through the ‘Assess Plan Do Review’ cycle both at the universal and targeted stages
  • Details of the child’s academic progress
  • Parent/carer consent for engagement of the Specialist Learning Support Team (including consent to observe, share information and engage 1-1 where necessary).

Once you have completed the referral form, a summary of the referral will be sent to school, using the details submitted, for your own records. An email notification will also be sent to parents/carers to confirm that the referral has been submitted.

If you have questions about our referral process or wish to discuss a referral with a member of the team, please email sls@wolverhampton.gov.uk(link sends email) 

Start referral