Information to support current Governors.
Governor Events & Training

Boards are responsible for identifying and securing the induction and other on-going training and development Governors need.

School Governors are "the key strategic decision-makers and vision setters in your school or academy". You have a vital role to play in driving school and pupil performance and ensuring that resources are used well to give every child the best possible education. Wolverhampton City Council provides a full training programme for Governors.

School Governor training is now held via Microsoft Teams.

The full list of training events is now on the Wolverhampton Governor Services Tab on GovernorHub. All training can be booked there or email sends email)

Governance Audit and Self-Review

The new Governance Handbook states that Governing Boards should undertake regular self-evaluation, review and improvement including; skills audits, training and development plans, and independent external reviews as necessary.

To support the Governing Board to achieve such self-review, a comprehensive Governance Audit tool has been developed. The tool is based around the statutory duties of the Governing Board, additional best-practice, and the DfE’s Governors’ Competency Framework and handbook.

The Governance Audit includes desktop analysis of paperwork, action plans and minutes from committees, as well as a feedback meeting with the Headteacher, Chair of Governors, and members of the Governing Board.

To find out more or to book your Governance Audit, please email sends email)

Additional Support

A variety of other support strategies are available which are suitable for individual Governors, Chairs, Senior Leaders, Clerks, and the entire Governing Board. Our Governance specialist can meet with your school to discuss the support you require and how such support can be delivered.

We can also provide you with useful documentation including model policies, templates, proformas, and schedules of business to support the day to day strategic management of the school, and the Governing Board.

Many of these documents are available on the Wolverhampton Governor Services Tab on GovernorHub

To discuss ways in which we can provide bespoke support to you and your school, or for general advice and guidance, please email sends email)