How to request an In-Year transfer to a Wolverhampton school

How can I apply for an In-Year school place?

In-year applications can be made by completing the In-Year Transfer Form which can be found in the downloads section.

The following schools, which form part of Matrix Academy Trust, manage their own in-year admissions. Applications must be made to the school directly using the mid-year admissions form available on the school’s website:

If you have changed your address and are requesting a transfer to another Wolverhampton school then we require proof of your new address. 

Acceptable proof of address


New Arrival to UK  

New Arrival to City (Providing your child has already attended a school in the UK)

Wolverhampton  school to Wolverhampton school (Following a house move)

Wolverhampton  school to Wolverhampton school (no house move)

Must attend Civic Centre with all children for whom a school place is required





Copies of passport(s) to be provided of parents and children





Proof of Address required to include one of the following:

  • Current council tax bill
  • Signed and dated tenancy agreement
  • Utility bill (gas, electric or water) dated within the last 6 months
  • Evidence of entitlement to a government benefit (including housing benefit, council tax benefit, tax credits, state pension)






Other than Wolverhampton Girls High (where applications are made direct to school) in the case of all applications , the parent should forward the form to the School Admissions team at the City of Wolverhampton Council (CWC).

Complete the application form and ensure Section 8 of the form is completed by your child’s current or most recent school.

If a place cannot be offered at a preferred school then, in accordance with the City of Wolverhampton Council’s admission arrangements, a place will be allocated at the closest Wolverhampton school with places available.

You need to look at the published admission criteria for each school you are placing as a preference. Sometimes you may be required to submit extra information (such as a baptism certificate or letter from your church) before your application can be considered under a particular admission criterion.

In addition to the In-Year Transfer Form, if you are applying to the following schools you may be required to complete an additional Supplementary Information Form


Completed Supplementary Information Forms to be returned direct to the school. The in-year transfer form should still be sent to CWC.

  • Our Lady and St Chad Catholic Academy
  • St. Peter's Collegiate School
  • St Edmund's Catholic Academy
  • St Regis Church of England Academy

Download Secondary Supplementary Information Form


Free Schools - Completed Supplementary Information Forms to be returned direct to the school. The in-year transfer form should still be sent to CWC.

  • Nishkam Primary School Wolverhampton

Voluntary Controlled / Academy Schools - Completed forms to be returned direct to CWC.

  • St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School
  • Bilston Church of England Primary School
  • Christ Church, Church of England Infant School
  • St Bartholomew’s Church of England Primary School and St Benedict Biscop Church of England Primary
  • St Jude’s Church of England Primary Academy
  • St Stephen’s Church of England Primary School
  • Trinity Church of England Primary School
  • All Saints’ Church of England Primary School

Voluntary Aided / Academy Schools Catholic Primary Schools – Completed Supplementary Information Forms to be returned direct to the school. The in-year transfer form should still be sent to CWC.

  • Corpus Christi Catholic Primary Academy
  • Holy Rosary Catholic Primary Academy
  • Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School
  • SS Mary and John Catholic Primary Academy
  • SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary Academy and Nursery
  • St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School
  • St Mary’s Catholic Primary Academy
  • St Michael’s Catholic Primary Academy and Nursery
  • St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
  • St Teresa’s Catholic Primary Academy

Voluntary Aided / Academy Church of England Schools – Completed Supplementary Information Forms to be returned direct to the school. The in year transfer form should still be sent to CWC.

  • St Luke’s Church of England Primary School
  • St Michaels Church of England Primary School
  • St Paul’s Church of England Primary School

Manor Multi Academy Trust - Completed forms to be returned direct to CWC.
(Manor Primary School, Hill Avenue Academy, East Park Academy, St Alban’s CE Primary Academy and St Thomas CE Primary Academy)

Perry Hall Multi-Academy Trust - Completed forms to be returned direct to CWC.
(Berrybrook Primary School, Dunstall Hill Primary School, Perry Hall Primary School and Woodthorne Primary School)

St Martin’s Multi Academy Trust - Completed forms to be returned direct to CWC
(St Martin’s CE Primary School, Field View Primary School and Grove Primary School)

Download Primary Supplementary Information Form

Contact details

To submit an application please either:

Email: sends email)


Post:   School Admissions and Appeals team
            City of Wolverhampton Council,
            Civic Centre
            St Peters Square
            WV1 1RL

Or for further help and support please call:

Telephone: 01902 55 11 22 (select option 1 for school admissions)