This includes children due to start Primary school in Reception Year in 2024, and includes Year 2 to Year 3 transfers for Infant to Junior Schools.

Parents and carers whose children are moving into primary school in September 2024 need to apply for a place at their school of choice.

The deadline for applying for applying for a Reception place was 15 January 2024. Therefore, if you have still not applied for a school place please complete the relevant late application form (in the downloads section) or contact the Admissions and Appeals Team on 01902 551122 or email via

From 16th April 2024, Wolverhampton residents could find out their allocated school for Reception in September 2024. If you applied online to commence primary education in September 2024 the web portal was available from 16 April 2024 in order to view the allocation made.

The portal can be accessed here and you will also have received an email confirming the allocation.

The deadline for applying for a Reception place for September 2024 was 15 January 2024.This also includes Year 2 to 3 transfers for Infant to Junior Schools. This applies for children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020.

Late Applications

If you have still not applied for a school place, please complete the relevant Primary or Secondary late application form (in the downloads section) or contact the Admissions and Appeals Team on 01902 551122 or email via

Before making your application, please ensure that you have read and understood the Primary Education Booklet  (available in the downloads section) which contains important information about making your school place application.

You are allowed to express a preference for five schools. Due to the popularity of Wolverhampton schools, you are encouraged to use all five preferences.

In addition to the late application form, if you are applying to the following schools you are required to complete an additional Supplementary Information Form. 

For Primary Schools, the form should be completed and returned as detailed below:

Free Schools - completed forms to be returned direct to the school

  • The Royal School, Wolverhampton
  • Nishkam Primary School Wolverhampton

Voluntary Controlled / Academy Schools - completed forms to be returned direct to the Local Authority

  • St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School
  • Bilston Church of England Primary School
  • Christ Church, Church of England Infant School
  • St Bartholomew’s Church of England Primary School
  • St Jude’s Church of England Primary Academy
  • St Stephen’s Church of England Primary School
  • Trinity Church of England Primary School

Voluntary Aided / Academy Schools Catholic Primary Schools – completed forms to be returned direct to the school

  • Corpus Christi Catholic Primary Academy
  • Holy Rosary Catholic Primary Academy
  • Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School
  • SS Mary and John Catholic Primary Academy
  • SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary Academy and Nursery
  • St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School
  • St Mary’s Catholic Primary Academy
  • St Michael’s Catholic Primary Academy and Nursery
  • St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
  • St Teresa’s Catholic Primary Academy

Voluntary Aided / Academy Church of England Schools – completed forms to be returned direct to the school

  • St Luke’s Church of England Primary School
  • St Michaels Church of England Primary School
  • St Paul’s Church of England Primary School

Manor Multi Academy Trust (Manor Primary School, Hill Avenue Academy, East Park Academy, St Alban’s CE Primary Academy and St Thomas’ CE Primary Academy) - completed forms to be returned direct to the Local Authority

Perry Hall Multi Academy Trust (Berrybrook Primary School, Dunstall Hill Primary School, Perry Hall Primary School and Woodthorne Primary School) – completed forms to be returned direct to the Local Authority

St Martin’s Multi Academy Trust (St Martin’s CE Primary School, Field View Primary School and Grove Primary School) - completed forms to be returned direct to the Local Authority

Wednesfield Technology Primary School will be opening from September 2024 and is accepting applications for entry to Reception Year. Parents must apply to their home Local authority listing this school as a preference, should they wish to apply for a place.

Download Supplementary Information Form

Further Information

Further advice on the transfer process is available from the Admissions and Appeals Team on 01902 551122 or email

Wolverhampton City Council (the ‘council’) respects your privacy rights and is committed to ensuring that it protects your details, the information about your dealings with the council and other information about you available to the council (‘your information’). In accordance with the UK Data Protection Law, the council will use your information, for the purpose of processing your application for a school place, to (a) deal with your requests and administer its departmental functions; (b) meet its statutory obligations; and (c) prevent and detect fraud. The council may share your information (but only the minimum amount of information necessary to do the above and only where it is lawful to do so) with other departments within the council (including the elected Members), central Government departments, law enforcement agencies, statutory and judicial bodies, community service providers and contractors that process data on its behalf. The council may also use and disclose information, that does not identify individuals, for research and strategic development purposes. For further information about your information rights please see the Council’s privacy notice.