If you are thinking of opening a new childcare setting such as a Day Nursery or Out of School Club in Wolverhampton there are a few things to consider.
  • have a clear knowledge and understanding for demand for childcare places in the area and of the childcare market and the needs of parents/carers and children in the area
  • have finance to buy/rent premises, make necessary adaptations and subsidise running costs until provision becomes sustainable
  • research competition from existing providers
  • ensure the qualifications and experience of staff employed to manage or work in the provision are in place and appropriate
  • have knowledge of the Early Years Foundation Stage and the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, which sets the standards for learning and development and care for children from birth to five
  • know the requirements of Ofsted

The Early Intervention Service can provide advice on the practicalities of opening a new childcare business.