Find out about and choose how to pay your council tax.

You will need: your council tax account reference number and your debit or credit card details.

Are you on the right payment plan?

Did you know that we offer a range of Direct Debit and non-Direct Debit payment plans to suit your budget? Choose from:

  • Monthly - pick from the 1st, 8th, 15th or 25th of each month.
  • Fortnightly - due on a Friday and starting on 1st or 2nd week in the month.
  • Weekly - due on a Friday.

If you want to change your payment plan all you need to do is complete our web form.

Change your plan(link is external)

How to pay:

Direct debit

The quickest and easiest way to pay your council tax is by direct debit.

Pay Council Tax by direct debit(link is external)


Paying online is quick and easy. You will need your 12-digit council tax account reference number shown on your bill/reminder letter.

Pay Council Tax online(link is external)

By phone

You can make a payment using the council's 24-hour automated payment freephone line.

  • Telephone: 0800 180 4464

You will need your 12-digit council tax account reference number shown on your bill.

Telephone and internet banking

Alternatively, you can arrange payment through your bank either by telephone or internet banking to the following council bank account:

  • sort code: 56-00-69
  • account number: 44470339

Make sure to give your 12-digit council tax account reference number so the payment reaches your council tax account.

Using the barcode on your bill

A barcode now appears on the front and back of all council tax bills.

Using the barcode, you can pay your council tax at any PayPoint(link is external) outlet or Post Office(link is external)

Please note it may take a few working days for this payment to reach your account. You need to make sure that any payment is made in good time to allow for this.

By post

You can send a cheque/postal order made payable to Wolverhampton City Council by post.

Banking Services
City of Wolverhampton Council
P.O. Box 260

Please write your name, address and council tax account reference number on the back of the cheque/postal order.