Council Tax is payable on every domestic property and pays part of the cost of services provided by the council.

In Wolverhampton the tax raises around £112m which is 43% of the money spent by the council on local services. The remaining cost is met from:

  • rates paid by businesses
  • grants from Central Government
  • charges for using services

How is Council Tax calculated?

Each property is put in a valuation band by the Valuation Office Agency, based on its value on 1 April, 1991. This band determines the amount of council tax you will have to pay. The bands are:

Property bandCharge 2024/25Charge 2025/26Property value
(on 01.04.1991)
Band A£1,530.01£1,609.32up to £40,000
Band B£1,785.02£1,877.54£40,001 to £52,000
Band C£2,040.01£2,145.76£52,001 to £68,000
Band D£2,295.02£2,413.98£68,001 to £88,000
Band E£2,805.02£2,950.42£88,001 to £120,000
Band F£3,315.02£3,486.86£120,001 to £160,000
Band G£3,825.03£4,023.30£160,001 to £320,000
Band H£4,590.04£4,827.96£320,001 or greater

To find out the band of a property please visit Directgov(link is external).

Appeal against your property band

If you think your property band isn't correct, you can appeal to the Valuation Office Agency(link is external). You must continue to pay your current council tax bill until any dispute is settled.

You can appeal against the band your property has been allocated if you are:

  • the person liable to pay the council tax
  • the owner (or person entitled to possession) of the dwelling
  • the person who would be liable if the property was not exempt from council tax
  • the Billing Authority