The Community Shop model is about building resilience and not reliance, it delivers quality food products at sustainable prices for the shops and residents.
The food product options in the shops are fresh, frozen and have a long shelf life, as well as toiletries and cleaning products. There is a good selection of products that will allow residents to make a range of healthy meals that supports growth and a healthy development, the addition of these shops allow residents to make healthy savings on their weekly outgoings.
Each Community Shop is run by volunteers and each establishment has a membership fee, which varies between venues. The shops offer great learning opportunities for individuals who lack confidence or skills and could lead to employment opportunities in the future.
Some shops only take cash, others take cash or card. The Healthy Start Cards scheme is currently being trialled in our Bilston shop, where families can spend their entitlement but also collect vitamins and drops under the Healthy Start programme. It is hoped there will be a Community Shop in all wards of Wolverhampton to ensure an inclusive model for all residents. We are aware that food banks and food pantries are still functioning in Wolverhampton, but we are also aware that nationally organisations are trying to move away from this model due to the levels of dependency it has created.
We are regularly collecting feedback from the shops so we can see what is going well, as well as looking at how we can work together to find positive solutions to any challenges that arise. Most importantly we are exploring options around sustainability of all the Community Shops.