This grant provides support for businesses, community organisations, sports and social clubs, independent traders and sole traders to invest in Covid safe practices.

COVID Compliant businesses

It will be awarded in conjunction with advice and guidance from the Council’s Covid Compliant team and members of the Environmental Health service. Businesses will receive a Covid Safe Sticker to demonstrate to customers and clients, they are compliant.

Premises must be COVID Compliant to apply. This grant is available to all Commercial Businesses, Hospitality venues, Hotels, Soft Play and Indoor Family Entertainment venues, Close Contact Physical Services, Voluntary Sectors or Charities, Independent or Sole traders, Volunteer-led Sports Clubs and Physical Activity Providers.

All the above mentioned services will be referred to as "businesses" throughout this application.

Is my business COVID Compliant?

How much will I get?

Eligible businesses can now secure grants of up to £2,000 from the Covid Compliant Scheme. This is to help fund:

  • cleaning supplies,
  • hand sanitiser
  • other practices to help reduce the spread of the virus

It can help put in place priority actions and key recommendations identified within Plan A of the COVID Autumn and Winter Response Plan.

Hospitality venues with a capacity of 150 or more will be eligible for £2,000. This includes:

  • pubs
  • nightclubs
  • banqueting suites
  • bars

Smaller venues with less than 150 capacity are eligible for £1,500. This includes, but are not limited to, premises such as:

  • faith settings
  • community centres
  • hospitality venues with rooms for hire

All other venues or services will still be eligible for:

  • 5 or less employees - £500
  • 6 or more employees - £1,000

This includes

  • the self-employed
  • retail sites
  • close contact services
  • gym and leisure
  • offices and contact centres
  • mobile workers

You will only receive payment if you pass our business assessment.

The Environmental Health officer will assess that safe working measures are in place. This is in line with government guidance and businesses restrictions that remain.

We have received a high volume of applications. Due to the Christmas closure and limited team resources, there is a delay in undertaking the assessment with you.

We expect that an officer will contact you to discuss compliance within 4 to 6 weeks of making your application.

We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause

Apply for a Covid Compliant Scheme Grant(link is external)

Previous applicants

Businesses that have previously received a grant from the Covid Compliance Scheme prior to December 8, 2021, are eligible for additional funds.

The Volunteer-led Sport/Physical Activity providers COVID Compliance Grant Scheme is no longer accepting applications after the 7th of March 2022.

COVID Compliant criteria
  • Proof of NGB affiliation/charity number/company number
  • A plan for distributing test kits to the workforce and participants and encouraging regular testing - these can be collected form WV Active Central Baths, WV Active Aldersley, WV Active Bilston Bert Williams and Wolverhampton Swimming and Fitness Centre. 
  • A Covid-19 safe risk assessment that is in line with advice from their National Governing Body, Sport England, National Guidance on the safe return to grassroots sport or guidance for providers of grassroots sports and sports facilities
  • Public Liability Insurance 
  • Safeguarding Policy 

Please note the above three underlined documents need emailing to sends email) 

The risk assessment needs to demonstrate:

  • There is registration/ membership process in place to collect the details of coaches, volunteers, activity providers (workforce) and participants, that records contact details and attendance at sessions 
  • The NHS QR Code is displayed and working correctly - Create a coronavirus NHS QR code for your venue - GOV.UK (
  • Covid-19 safety advice is provided, and signage is displayed if possible
  • A system is in place for checking Covid-19 symptoms of the workforce and participants
  • A cleaning regime is in place for the site (where applicable) and all equipment used
  • Facilities for hand washing are available
  • Steps have been taken to maintain to reduce contact and maintain a distance where possible in accordance with the guidance above
  • Group numbers are considered, and maximum capacity restrictions adhered to
  • The workforce are wearing adequate PPE where appropriate
  • Face coverings are worn when not participating in physical or sports activity
  • The premises are adequately ventilated
  • The premises have an outbreak management procedure in place, including self-isolation compliance

Guidance on how to complete a risk assessment can be found at