Thousands of Wolverhampton people identify as LGBT+. While we don’t have an exact number, we can make estimates of this figure based on regional data from the Office of National Statistics.1 This estimates that 3.2% of the West Midland’s adult population (aged 16+) identify as either Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or ‘other’. This means that there are over 6,600 residents aged 16 and above who identify as LGBT+ in our city. The actual figure will be even higher, given that the official statistics do not include those aged below 16.
In the UK, there is no regular collection of data to estimate the number of individuals who identify as trans. While the Government Equalities Office estimates that there could be between 200,000 – 500,000 trans and non-binary individuals across the UK,2 we do not yet have a reliable estimate for how many trans individuals live in Wolverhampton. One of our Rainbow City commitments, which are presented later in this document, is to collect local data which will allow us to estimate this.