WVInsight is the one-stop-shop for data, statistics and reports about Wolverhampton.
WV Insight - Wolverhampton data.

WV Insight - bringing data together

WVInsight uses data to provide an in-depth picture of the city and is a great source for useful facts and figures.

It can help you:

  • write reports and presentations
  • inform strategic and business planning
  • prepare funding applications
  • support academic research

The design of the website:

  • helps you understand more about the people and places of Wolverhampton
  • reduces duplication of resources
  • brings together and shares information from different organisations
  • reduces user time in tracking down and making sense of information.

Much of the data comes directly from departments of Central Government. Local agencies, including the Council, provide some of the data. Each page of the dashboard has a link to the source of the data.

Visit WV Insight(link is external)

WV Insight also hosts the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. This is the city-wide assessment of the current and future health and social care needs of all local people

View the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment(link is external)