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Pre qualifying questions

Unfortunately you will not be able to apply for the grant at the moment, however a member of the team will call you to discuss how we can assist – it may be that you can apply in the next grant opportunity window.

Contact Details


Please give full details of what you intend to spend this grant on if you are successful and why you are looking to make that investment. This must include a summary of the rationale for and the impact of the investment; the estimated total cost of your project; and the timeline for making the investment.

Your details


Customer name


Contact details

Gender (for equality monitoring purposes only)

Company details

Company Registered Name

Company Address

Company address

If you are unsure which SIC Code applies to your business, please view Companies House - Standard Industrial Classification


Your Communications Preference

Privacy Disclaimer

Support provided under the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) is delivered through a new regional service called Business Growth West Midlands - a joint collaboration between West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) and Wolverhampton City Council.

As this support is publicly funded by UK Government, in order to satisfy public sector data recording and monitoring obligations, we may share the information you provide on this form with the above organisations. By submitting this form, you consent to us retaining your details for the purposes of record keeping, supporting your business and sharing your details with the above organisations.