Every month Wolverhampton will hold face to face group ceremonies for people becoming British Citizens in our City Suite, located on the third floor of the civic centre.

Citizenship ceremonies were introduced in 2003 to celebrate the occasion of becoming a British Citizen.

Once you have been awarded British citizenship you will receive a letter from the Home Office inviting you to attend a ceremony at the Register Office. If your letter invites you to attend at Wolverhampton, please book your ceremony below.

Please do not proceed with a booking unless you have received your invitation from the home office to do so at Wolverhampton.

Arranging your ceremony

All of our group ceremonies take place on a Thursday morning at 10am.

Alternatively there is an individual ceremony designed for people who want to have the ceremony sooner than the offered date or to have it on their own at a more convenient time in the register office with the Superintendent Registrar. These currently cost £250 for each new citizen attending. If you wish to book a private ceremony please email register.office@wolverhampton.gov.uk.

Attending your ceremony

Once you have booked your ceremony appointment, you will receive a confirmation email advising you of the format for the day. Citizens should attend at 10am for the pre-ceremony checking in, please report to the business reception on the ground floor of the civic centre and the ceremony will take place from 11am to 12 noon. You may invite one guest. Admittance to the ceremony is by invitation only.

The ceremony will be led by the Deputy Superintendent Registrar, followed by a congratulatory speech and presentation of certificates by the Mayor or Deputy Mayor of Wolverhampton. The Lord Lieutenant of the West Midlands, or one of his deputies, attends each group ceremony to welcome the new citizens into British citizenship.

All ceremonies must be attended within 3 months of your citizenship being awarded from the Home Office. If you need to arrange to attend a ceremony during October or November please do email the office directly at register.office@wolverhampton.gov.uk so that we can book your place manually.

Lost or damaged Citizenship Certificates

If you have lost or damaged your Citizenship Certificate you need to contact the Home Office directly for any changes required on the original certificate or for any replacements.

Book your ceremony

Once you have received your citizenship confirmation email/letter from the Home Office, please email register.office@wolverhampton.gov.uk  with your full name and citizenship reference number. We will then email you with your confirmation of your ceremony date. Citizens should attend at 10am for the pre-ceremony checking in, please report to the business reception on the ground floor of the civic centre and the ceremony will take place from 11am to 12 noon. You may invite one guest. Admittance to the ceremony is by invitation only.