You can feedback your views on a training course you attended by completing and submitting the following details: Current Start Preview Complete The course you attended What was the name of the course you attended? On what date was the course held? Your feedback Did you obtain what you hoped from the course? - Select -Not at allPartlyYes- Select -▾- Select -Not at allPartlyYes How well do you believe the course aims and learning outcomes were met? - Select -Not at allWellVery well- Select -▾- Select -Not at allWellVery well How did you find the pitch of the course? - Select -Too simpleAbout rightToo advanced- Select -▾- Select -Too simpleAbout rightToo advanced How did you find the overall presentation of the course? - Select -PoorSatisfactoryGoodVery goodExcellent- Select -▾- Select -PoorSatisfactoryGoodVery goodExcellent How good a knowledge of the subject matter do you feel the tutor had? - Select -PoorSatisfactoryGoodVery goodExcellent- Select -▾- Select -PoorSatisfactoryGoodVery goodExcellent How would you describe the quality and usefulness of the course materials/handouts? - Select -PoorSatisfactoryGoodVery goodExcellent- Select -▾- Select -PoorSatisfactoryGoodVery goodExcellent To what degree will your attendance on the course be of benefit to you in your work/job role? - Select -No benefitSome benefitGreat benefit- Select -▾- Select -No benefitSome benefitGreat benefit How would you rate the venue and overall facilities? - Select -PoorSatisfactoryGoodVery GoodExcellent- Select -▾- Select -PoorSatisfactoryGoodVery GoodExcellent How would you rate the information provided and the value of the course overall? - Select -PoorSatisfactoryGoodVery GoodExcellent- Select -▾- Select -PoorSatisfactoryGoodVery GoodExcellent Please detail below any topics on which you would like to see covered in a future training event. Please detail below any comments / additional feedback you wish to make on any aspect of the course. Your details You do not need to provide this information if you do not wish to. Name Customer name Title Title - Select -MissMsMrMrsDrOther…- Select -▾- Select -MissMsMrMrsDrOther… Enter other… First name Last name Contact Contact details Email Phone number 20986