You can apply for a postal vote for one particular election or for all elections for the following three years.

You can apply for a postal vote online. You must have your National Insurance Number (or other identity documentation) and you will need to provide a copy of your handwritten signature (digital signatures will not be accepted).

The easiest way to apply for a postal vote is online here:

Apply for a postal vote - GOV.UK(link is external)

If you cannot register online, you can download the application form from the downloads section in the top right hand side of this page. You will need to scan the completed form and send it as an email attachment to: sends email)

Alternatively you can print it out and complete your form, then return it by post to:

Electoral Services
City of Wolverhampton Council
Civic Centre
St Peters Square

When will I receive my ballot papers?

Postal votes can only be sent out once the deadline to become a candidate has passed and the ballot papers have subsequently been produced and printed.

When do I need to return my postal vote by?

Once you've got it, mark your vote on the ballot paper and make sure you send it back as soon possible so that it arrives by 10pm on election day. If it arrives later than this, your vote won't be counted.

If you're not able to send it back by post in advance you can hand in your postal vote at any polling station in your Ward on election day before 10pm.

Please note that you will be only able to hand in your own postal vote, and the postal votes of up to five other people, at a polling station or to your local council.

When handing in postal votes, you will need to complete a form. You will need to include your name and address, how many postal votes you are handing in and why you are handing in those postal votes.

Campaigners can only hand in their own postal vote, and postal votes for up to five other people that are either close relatives, or someone they provide regular care for.

How do I complete by postal vote pack?