Before submitting a planning application, please request pre-application (pre-app) advice to check if a proposal will be acceptable.

This irons out issues at the start, saving time and money. As a thank you for submitting a pre-app enquiry, all customers who go on to submit a planning application, will receive an Enhanced Planning Service. If you have submitted a pre-app, we will aim to process your subsequent planning application within ten weeks for majors and five weeks for all other applications (unless you agree to an extension of time).

We will send you a prompt response to your pre-app submission once the correct fee has been paid. The pre-app fee is 20% of the national planning application fee for the development proposed. For example, a pre-app for one new house would cost £115.60 (20% of £578) and a house extension would cost £51.60 (20% of £258). Please calculate 20% of the correct development type. 

For more information on fees, please view Application fees(link is external) . Alternatively, you can use the planning fees calculator(link is external).

Submit a pre-application

To submit a pre-application:

  1. First you must send a BACS payment to:
    • Bank: Natwest
    • Account Name: City of Wolverhampton Council
    • Current Account Sort Code: 56-00-69
    • Account Number: 44470304
    • Payment reference: PREAPP and name of address.
      • For example PREAPP23HighStreet (please note these cant be longer than 18 characters)
  2. Secondly, fill out the details below:
  • Current Start
  • Preview
  • Complete

Your details


Customer name
- Select -
  • - Select -
  • Miss
  • Ms
  • Mr
  • Mrs
  • Dr
  • Other…

Address of the proposed development

Customer address


Contact details

Proposed development details

Attach draft plans and supporting documents

Maximum 3 files.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
- None -
  • - None -
  • Yes
  • No