Special Needs Early Years Service is a team of Specialist Teachers and Specialist Higher Level Teaching Assistants.

Through our combined specialisms and experience, we provide a Specialist Education Service for children from birth and through to the end of their Nursery age years, across the City of Wolverhampton. As an Education Service we work during school term times.

What we do

We work passionately to deliver a service for children where their learning is delayed, or where a diagnosis has been made or is being investigated. Every child is unique and so are their needs. Our aim is to provide identification of children’s needs, and implement any specialist support required, at the earliest opportunity. 

To ensure that this happens, we work in accordance with the SEN Code of Practice 2015 to follow the Graduated Response to SEND to ensure that where a child has a special educational need which requires either Targeted or Specialist intervention, this is identified and met. 

Our work with children takes place in family homes, in Nursery settings, including both school and private nurseries and within the Child Development Centre Specialist Groups and Child Development Centre (CDC).

We know that many children attend private nursery settings, and the Special Needs Early Years Service carries out an important role within all City of Wolverhampton private settings by directly supporting their individual Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCo) through regular individualised supervision and focused training, to ensure that where necessary, children’s needs are identified and met at the earliest point.

We work closely and collaboratively with our Education, Health and Social Care partners. This includes collaborative working with Education teams, Paediatricians, Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapists and Family or Social Care Support Teams. 

For some children with an identified special educational need or disability, there may be an opportunity to attend a CDC Specialist Group. These are led by Teams from the Special Needs Early Years Service but are staffed jointly with Advanced Health Care Support staff and staff from the Special Needs Early Years team. Children may be invited to attend as part of their assessment, or for ongoing support and intervention. 

Ensuring that services work effectively together to provide the best support for children and families is prioritised by using the Team Around the Child (TAC) approach to ensure that the best possible communication and support for children and their families is provided. 

Where evidence from a specialist service suggests that an assessment to consider a diagnosis of Autism is needed, Special Needs Early Years will submit, or support referrals to the Under Fives’ Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic Panel and act as a Keyworker throughout the period of assessment.

Support we offer

For every child known to the service we:

  • Complete an initial individual assessment of educational need.
  • Provide a written report to outline next steps of development and the support required. 
  • Provide advice, guidance and training to parents, carers, schools and private nursery settings.
  • Monitor progress and set new targets, working in periods of 12 weeks to ensure that time is given for strategies to be effective.
  • Support transitions into or between settings when children enter or move between placements or when our service is no longer required.

Where appropriate we:

  • Lead or attend Team Around the Child meetings to ensure that the child and their family are at the centre of all decision making. 
  • Make recommendations or submit requests for Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments.
  • Complete Educational Advice to contribute to assessments for Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) as requested.
  • Make or support referrals for further assessment, if necessary, for example for assessment for Autism, Occupational Therapy, Community Paediatrics or other services which form part of the CDC.
How to access our support

Special Needs Early Years Service operates an open referral system. Referrals can be made by parents, as well as education and health professionals. Referrals are made using the Multi-Agency Referral Form(link is external) or by contacting the service directly.

All referrals need to include information about the child’s current needs. For education professionals, this must evidence the Graduated Approach to SEND.

All referrals are discussed at a monthly Multi-Agency Referral Panel. The panel discusses each referral who will determine appropriate support needed. Following this a member of the team will respond to the referrer outlining any offer of support and contact is made with Parents and Carers prior to any assessment commencing.

Further information can be found by visiting Special Needs Early Years Service | Wolverhampton Information Network(link is external).

Home-based support

After your child has been referred into the Child Development Service, a member of the Special Needs Early Years (SNEYs) team will offer their support via the educational setting in which your child attends.

If your child does not attend an educational setting, we will offer support either in the home or at an appointment held at the GEM Centre or Brickkiln Community Centre. A member of the SNEYs team will arrange this appointment. The aim of the home visit/appointment is to help you as parents/carers to better understand your child’s special educational needs as well as strategies that can be put in place. 

Area SENCo Role

The Special Needs Early Years team in Wolverhampton act as the Area SENCo for the Private, Voluntary and Independent Sector. This includes child minders, private nurseries, playgroups, and independent school nurseries. 

Area SENCOs provide advice and guidance to early years providers on the development of inclusive early learning environments. The Area SENCO helps make the links between education, health and social care to facilitate appropriate early provision for children with SEN and their transition to compulsory schooling.

Wolverhampton have a robust training offer which is accessed free for all PVI sector settings. This includes ‘on demand’ training for all settings to access flexibly, which can be shared amongst staff working in the setting to promote inclusive practice. Specialist training is also available covering topics such as the early identification of SEND, the graduated approach and the role of the Area SENCo.

PVIs in Wolverhampton have access to three monitoring and support visits per year. These focus on developing inclusive practices, to monitor the provision of the graduated approach, to ensure policies and procedures are up-to-date and to provide support to settings around inclusive strategies and to provide training. 

Area SENCO Training 2024/2025
Training for SENCo’s in PVI settings and Childminders

The following essential courses are offered by the Special Needs Early Years Service to all SENCOs/Managers in PVI settings to support Early Identification of SEND, The Graduated Approach to SEND and the role and responsibilities of SENCO in accordance with local and national guidance. 

The role of SENCo in Early Years Settings (Previously known as ‘SENCO Induction or Refresher’) 

This is a free pre-recorded eLearning course.

  • Trainer: Rachel Wright and Jennie Lowe – Specialist Teachers, Special Needs Early Years Service 

Book course(link is external)

Early Identification of Special Educational Needs (in the Early Years) 

This is a free pre-recorded eLearning course  

  • Trainer: Rachel Wright and Jennie Lowe – Specialist Teachers, Special Needs Early Years Service 

Book course(link is external)

The Graduated Approach (in the Early Years) 

This is a free pre-recorded eLearning course. 

  • Trainer: Rachel Wright and Jennie Lowe – Specialist Teachers, Special Needs Early Years Service

Book course(link is external)

If you require any further information regarding training, please email Rachel.Wright@wolverhampton.gov.uk(link sends email)

Training for all Early Years Practitioner (PVI settings, Childminders, Nursery schools and Mainstream Nursery classes)

The following courses are offered to any Early Years Practitioners in Wolverhampton. 

Supporting Children with Learning Disabilities 

This is a live training session held on Microsoft Teams but will later be available via WVES as an eLearning resource. Details of how to join will be sent following delegates booking and ‘checking out’ via WVES. 

  • Date: Thursday 14 November 2024, 1pm – 2.30pm 
  • Trainer: Rachel Wright – Specialist Teacher, Specialist Teacher, Special Needs Early Years Service

Transition in The Early Years 

This is a free pre-recorded eLearning course. 

  • Trainer: Rachel Wright and Jennie Lowe – Specialist Teachers, Special Needs Early Years Service

Book course(link is external)

Understanding SEMH in the Early Years and Supporting Positive Behaviour 

This is a free pre-recorded eLearning course. 

  • Trainer: Rachel Wright and Jennie Lowe – Specialist Teachers, Special Needs Early Years Service

Book course(link is external)

Understanding and Supporting Sensory Needs in the Early Years

This is a free pre-recorded eLearning course. 

  • Trainer: Rachel Wright and Jennie Lowe – Specialist Teachers, Special Needs Early Years Service

Book course(link is external)

Understanding and Supporting Communication and Interaction Needs (including Autism) 

This is a free pre-recorded eLearning course. 

  • Trainer: Rachel Wright and Jennie Lowe – Specialist Teachers, Special Needs Early Years Service

Book course(link is external)

Supporting Children with Down Syndrome 

This is a free pre-recorded eLearning course. 

  • Trainer: Rachel Wright, Specialist Teacher and Dr Rebecca Sharpe, Educational Psychologist

Book course(link is external)

If you require any further information regarding training, please email Rachel.Wright@wolverhampton.gov.uk(link sends email)

PVI and Childminder SENCo Network Forum

The SENCo Forum is a way to keep in touch and up to date with local and national developments in SEND. There will always be a training element to each session, and it is an excellent way of networking with other SENCo colleagues across the PVI and Childminding sectors. 

Autumn Term Forum 

  • Date: Thursday 24 October 2024, 9.30am – 11am 
  • Location: Brickkiln Community Centre 
  • Trainer: Rachel Wright and Jennie Lowe – Specialist Teachers, Special Needs Early Years Service 

Book course(link is external)

Spring Term Forum 

  • Date: Thursday 13 February 2025, 1pm – 2.30pm 
  • Location: Brickkiln Community Centre 
  • Trainer: Rachel Wright and Jennie Lowe – Specialist Teachers, Special Needs Early Years Service 

Book course(link is external)

Summer Term Forum 

  • Date: Thursday 22 May 2025, 1pm – 2.30pm 
  • Location: Brickkiln Community Centre 
  • Trainer: Rachel Wright and Jennie Lowe – Specialist Teachers, Special Needs Early Years Service 

Book course(link is external) 

If you require any further information regarding training, please email Rachel.Wright@wolverhampton.gov.uk(link sends email)

Special Educational Needs Inclusion Funding (SENIF) and Disability Access Fund (DAF)

The Special Educational Needs Inclusion Fund (SENIF) is additional funding with the purpose of assisting Early Years providers to support the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Local authorities are required to have Inclusion Funding available for all children with SEN eligible for universal funded hours or working parent entitlement. 

The Disability Access Fund (DAF) was introduced to support disabled children’s access to their entitlement for government funded early years provision. The City of Wolverhampton Council is committed to promoting inclusion across the city and ensuring its compliance with the Equality Act 2010. The funds can be used to support providers in making reasonable adjustments to their settings to benefit the child in question or in purchasing specialist equipment as recommended in a professional report. 

Apply for SEN Inclusion Funding/DAF

eLearning Instructional Video

To access a eLearning instructional video that outlines the need for the changes to the current system, introduces the new forms and provides details to enable delegates from the Early Years sector to complete the costed provision map, please visit wves.wolverhampton.gov.uk(link is external)

Glossary of Terms
  • Child Development Centre Specialist Groups - There are 5 Specialist Groups. Each of these support children’s identified special needs which include Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD), Communication and Interaction and Autism, Down Syndrome and Genetic conditions, and Physical Disability.
  • Child Development Centre (CDC) – based at The Gem Centre The service offers a city-wide, specialist integrated service for children birth to 5 years of age who may have factors that affect their development. The service works closely with Universal services to ensure early identification, support and treatment of children with SEND to improve long term outcomes. The team work closely with families to formulate an individual programme of assessment, diagnosis, care and support to meet the needs of each child through a coordinated approach.
  • Special Educational Needs Coordinator SENCo – Special Educational Needs Coordinator – a designated professional in a setting with responsibility for identification and appropriate support of individual needs. 
  • Team Around the Child (TAC) - an approach for children with complex needs where a number of professionals are involved. A Key worker acts as a single point of contact to support families.
  • SEND Code of Practice 2015 - Outlines of statutory duties of all professionals supporting the needs of children with Special educational Needs and/or Disabilities. 
  • Graduated Approach – this comprises universal support (support that every child has), targeted support (support given to a specific child either in the classroom or through intervention) and specialist support (support provided by a specialist / professional)
  • EHCNA – Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment – an assessment that looks at all elements of a child’s development to identify whether a high level of specialist support is required.
  • Educational Advice – A document outlining current strengths and clear description of needs, with provision advised to meet aspirational outcomes over given periods of time.
  • Education, Health and Care Plan – a document which identifies a child’s special educational needs and the specialist support required.
  • SEND – Special Educational Need and/or Disability
Meet the team

Debra Baker
Team Leader 

Debra Baker - Special Needs Early Years Service

Amelia Jackson
Team Leader 

Amelia Jackson - Special Needs Early Years Service

Rachel Wright
Specialist Teacher 

Rachel Wright - Special Needs Early Years Service

Joanne Maddocks
Specialist Teacher 

Joanne Maddocks - Special Needs Early Years Service

Jennie Lowe
Specialist Teacher

Jennie Lowe - Special Needs Early Years Service

Victoria Glass
Specialist Teacher 

Victoria Glass - Special Needs Early Years Service

Lucie Maddox
Specialist Higher Level Teaching Assistant 

Lucie Maddox - Special Needs Early Years Service

Marcy Evans
Specialist Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Marcy Evans - Special Needs Early Years Service

Edwina Fereday
Specialist Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Edwina Fereday - Special Needs Early Years Service

Kiren Nahan
Specialist Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Kiren Nahan - Special Needs Early Years Service

Leanne Concliffe
Specialist Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Leanne Concliffe - Special Needs Early Years Service

Rachael Ashford
Specialist Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Rachael Ashford - Special Needs Early Years Service

Hayley Smith
Specialist Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Hayley Smith - Special Needs Early Years Service

Amanda Skipton
Specialist Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Amanda Skipton - Special Needs Early Years Service

Louise Bradley
Specialist Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Louise Bradley - Special Needs Early Years Service

Maria Brain
Specialist Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Maria Brain - Special Needs Early Years Service

Stacey Bucknall
Specialist Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Stacey Bucknall - Special Needs Early Years Service

Lisa Hollingshead
Team Around the Child Coordinator 

Lisa Hollingshead - Special Needs Early Years Service