If you have a medical condition we may give you extra priority when looking for a new home. If you feel you qualify, request a medical assessment and provide supporting evidence.

Medical Priority

We may be able to give extra priority if you, or someone that is moving with you, has a medical condition. This depends on: 

  • Your current home is making it worse 
  • A move would improve the condition or make it easier to manage 

For us to assess whether we can award you a medical priority, you will need to complete a medical form.

This must include supporting evidence from: 

  • A consultant 
  • An occupational therapist 
  • A consultant psychiatrist 
  • Another qualified professional 

They will need to confirm: 

  • Your medical conditions 
  • How your current home is affecting your medical condition 
  • How a move to a different home would improve your condition or make it easier to manage 

Making a decision

Once we receive your medical form and supporting evidence, we may either: 

  • Refer it to the council’s medical referee for assessment 
  • Assess it at the next monthly medical panel 

Once submitted, it should take us 10 days for us to make a decision, tell you what that decision is, and if we recommend for you to get extra priority. 

If a move won't improve your medical condition or make it easier to manage, we will not give you medical priority.